WWW Servers in Japan

This is a list of WWW servers in Japan. Japanese version is here.

Please see how to send announcements of new servers (or modify your server's description) in Japan. (Sorry, now Japanese only)...

What's New in Japan.

Mirror WWW servers in Japan


Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Serving Information about Hokkaido(in Japanese) and Information about Sapporo city(in English)
Tanaka Lab.
Tanaka Lab., Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University. This server provides various information of IntelligentPad system. IntelligentPad is a media architecture for intellectual resources and therefore has a wide variety of features and benefits that relate to the sharing, distribution and evolution of these resources across computer platforms and networks.


Hirosaki University
Hirosaki University , Aomori, Japan.


Sendai National College of Technology
Sendai National College of Technology, Sendai, Japan.
Serving SNCT college guide and general information about National College of Technology in Japan.
Tohoku internet Association
Tohoku internet Association, Sendai, Japan.
Tohoku University
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
Serving information about Tohoku University as well as Sendai City Guide. The list of WWW servers in Tohoku University is here.
TOPIC (Tohoku Open Internet Community) .
Serving information about TOPIC and the internet resources in Tohoku area, Japan.


The University of Aizu
The University of Aizu, located in scenic Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima, Japan, is on-line. We are an international university established in 1993 by the Fukushima prefectural government dedicated to research and education in computer science and engineering. For an introduction to the university and its international faculty, see our hypermedia profiles brochure People Advancing Knowledge for Humanity . Direct links to our research include on-line University of Aizu Technical Reports .


Utsunomiya University
Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya-city, Tochigi, Japan.


Gunma University
Gunma University, Gunma, JAPAN. Serving information about Gunma University.


Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, MITI
AIST WWW server (Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, Japan) has the following contens: But... The items above are all but under construction... (:-<)
Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center
Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center/CRL, Ibaraki, Japan. Serving space environment information inculding forecasts and alerts of solar flares and geomagnetic storms. Relating observed data are also available.
KEK National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Japan.
National Institute of Animal Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan
Animal Genome Database is still under construction. The information of cytogenetic map and linkage map of pig, cattle and mouse is now available.
University of Library and Information Science
ULIS student server provides ULIS campus wide information and information around Tsukuba science city.
University of Tsukuba
Institute of Mathematics
Science Information Processing Center
This server provides general information of the university and entry points links to various servers installed on the campus.


KDD R&D Laboratories
KDD R&D Laboratories, Kamifukuoka-shi, Saitama Prefecture
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Hirosawa, Wako, Japan
Saitama University
Saitama University, Saitama, Japan.
My server provides information about own University, Corses and THE World of CHINESE Poems.
Knowledge Engeneering Lab., Saitama University, Saitama, Japan.
all of documents are written by japanese only.


Chiba University
Chiba University, Chiba, Japan.
Ikeda Lab.
Ikeda Lab., Faculty of Engineering, Chiba Univeristy. Serving Information on International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Commission on Illumination (CIE), International Organization for Standarization (ISO), Graphical Symbols standardized in IEC Publication 417; Meta-document on STEP and ISO 9000; and a picture book, early music instruments catalog, etc.
Chiba University Library. Serving in Japanese catalogue, guide for users and library bulletins.
Toyo Engineering Corporation, Chiba.
Company Abstracts, Business Fields, Internet Business, IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing System). Programs of Japanese Convention Center (MAKUHARI-Messe) and Chiba Bay Area Information for convention visitors.
Reitaku University
Reitaku University, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, Japan. CBC Radio: Daily News Broadcasts(Mirror), some german information, etc.
Yamaichi Information System CO.,LTD. Chiba, Japan.


ASCII CORPORATION is now online.
atom Co.,Ltd.
atom Co.,Ltd. Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan.
Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM)
Center for Global Communications, GLOCOM's research examines the global impact of computer-based communication media on a wide range of social, economic, cultural and technical issues. Files are available in Japanese and English.
Glocom intend this server to become a clearing house for information from and about Japan.
Central Research Instutite of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo, Japan. Serving A Databese for technical reports that are open to public, A HTML version of "The Jargon File", etc.
Communications Research Laboratory, Koganei, Tokyo. Serving general information of CRL and Solar Terrestrial Information.
CSK Corporation, Tokyo,Japan. This is a company guide which is on trial of CSK Corporation, the largest independent computer software company in Japan. It consists voice message of the president, a movie image of SEGA Enterprises, which is an affiliate of CSK, and other important information. Feature also includes its PR magazine and company history.
Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd.
Daiwa Institute of Research WWW Server provides the economic and securities information concerning Japan and Asia.
DEC Japan
Digital Equipment Corporation Japan, Tokyo. We have regional infomation around Ogikubo (head office) and Akigawa (DECpark), Tokyo.
Eccosys has just opened the Japanese-language section of their WWW server. The server contains many services including an experiment using digital money. It also contains info about the Eccosys CU-SeeMe reflector. Eccosys is a new company engaged in IP related consulting and software development for the Japanese Internet.
Fujitsu Limited,.Tokyo, Japan.
Future Pirates
Future Pirates Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
G-Search LIMITED Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
On our G-Search server we sell software packages using Internet network.
We will be looking forward to your visit.
GMD - German National Research Center for Computer Science
A member of the Real World Computing Partnership, having a Tokyo Liaison Office.
Hitachi,Ltd. is now online.
ICOT(Institute for New Generation Computer Tecnology), Tokyo Japan.
Serving information on the contents of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project and the two year Follow-on Project, and their main research results such as ICOT Free Software (IFS) and technical reports. Information of new events such as the final international symposium (FGCS'94) is also presented.
Internet Initiative Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
Japan Network Information Center(JPNIC)
This server provides information related to domestic and international Internet. JPNIC rules, application forms for IP address and domain names etc. are summarized. Also pointers to the services provided by JPNIC member networks are listed. Along with English translations of official publishments, we also try to provide enjoyable information to all netters. This server is maintained by Information Service Working Group of the JPNIC, a non-profit organization.
Japan Neural Network Society (JNNS), Tokyo.
an Introduction of JNNS, Contact persons, Calendar of meeting around Neural Networks, and etc.
The Japan Information Center of Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan. Serving Japanese information related to Science and Technology.
Linc, founded in 1993, is a research group of Internet communication under private environments. The pages of 1998 Nagano Olympics are available.
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Japan
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Tokyo, Japan.
Serving information about MPT organization, MPT News(press release), white papers, reports of telecommnucations council, ITU pleniportertiary conference 94 bulletin in Kyoto, etc.
National Center for Science Information Systems (Tokyo, Japan) released its WWW server started from Dec. 1994. This includes the general introduction of NACSIS, NACSIS batabase and electronic mail service guides, latest informaition on NACSIS Digital Library Project, etc.
National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan. Serving CancerNet Documents, many Informations, including Himawari,etc.
NEC Corporation
NEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
NEMIC-LAMBDA K.K., Tokyo, Japan.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. Serving Japanese Information corner of the web, NTT What's New for New information of the web, etc.
NTT Learning Systems Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
We have Japan Information space and guest space on Entertainment page. NTT-LS(NTT Learning Systems Corporation) is operating NTT MEDIA LAB.
Meiji University
Meiji University. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Meisei University
Meisei University Ome Campus.
Mizuno Pharmacies, Tokyo Japan,
operate community pharmacies. As a commercial site, we are now online through AT&T Jens InterSpin. It is a modest WWW server due to a limited bandwidth.
Nihon Sun User Group, Yoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Serving infomation about NSUG such as membership, NSUG-CD, what's NSUG.
Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI)
Railway Technical Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
This server presents overview of RTRI, R&D of RTRI (such as superconducting maglev system, advanced Shinkansen and conventional railway, large-scale low-noise wind tunnel, urgent earthquake detection and alarm system, and contact-free IC card), railway-related information and so on.

Real World Computing Partnership
Real World Computing Partnership, Tokyo, Japan. Serving information on the Real World Computing Program and Technical reports, etc.
Science University of Tokyo
Science University of Tokyo, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.
Serving information about Science University of Tokyo.
The INFOSERV Project is managed by the Information Processing Center, Science University of Tokyo.
MU, Inc., Tokyo, Japan
Soka University
Soka University, Hachioji, Tokyo.
A brief biography of founder of university, Mr Daisaku Ikeda; Founding spirit of university, campus map; the brochures `, and other Soka related schools and instittions. (Experimental)
Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
"NEWS WAVE" presents Press-Information, Catalog-Information, Application-Program-Samples, Free-Softwares, Technical-Information for Workstation NEWS.
Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc.
Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc., Tokyo, Japan. Research papers, Information for Research Projects, etc. are available.
Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
We provide company overview, product information, summary of books written by SRA people, GNU document, Smalltalk Textbook, BSD UNIX information, etc.
SunSITE Japan
The SunSITE Japan Project is managed by the Information Processing Center, Science University of Tokyo in collaboration with Nihon Sun Microsystems.
The Chemical Society of Japan
The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) presents full text database of its research journal, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , experimental service over a limited period of time until the end of January, 1995. You can retrieve and display the original papers published in Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 66, No. 1 (1993) through Vol. 67, No. 6 (1994).
The Prime Minister's Official Residence
The Prime Minister's Official Residence, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Social Engineering, T.I.T., Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Interoducing Dept. of Social Eng., Providing the database of paper titles in this department, other data and other services in T.I.T..
The Tokyo Teleport server is managed by the Tokyo Teleport Center Inc.(TTC) that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government(TMG) established in cooperation with the private sector in order to create an information and telecommunications hub in Tokyo.
Presently, this server provides information on the upcomimg World City Exposition 1996, the TOKYO METROBULLETIN, TMG Japanese language press release, and a TTC Inc. guide.
In the future, this server will grow to include up-to-date information on the multi-media experiments taking place at the Waterfront Sub-center, as well as other fascinating events going on in the Tokyo region.
Toshokan Ryutu Center Co.,Ltd.Tokyo,Japan
Serving Information of NEW BOOKS.
We will sell books using Internet network from April 1995.
We will be looking forward to your visit.
UMIN: University Medical Information Network
University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. UMIN connects academic medical facilities in Japan via Internet. It was established in 1988 by the Ministry of Education, and currently, it is running on the second generation platform, consisting of Hitachi and SUN workstations.
The University of Electro Communications. Tokyo , Japan. We have the whois server for all staff.
University of Tokyo
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
The list of WWW Servers in University of Tokyo is here
College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo (KOMABA)
WWW server for the College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, (KOMABA Campus).
Department of Information Science
WWW server for the Yonezawa Lab. at the Department of Information Science, University of Tokyo.
Sakamura Laboratory WWW Server.
Information on the TRON Project, Distribution of Software for TRON, Introduction to Sakamura Laboratory
Department of Physics, Facultyof Science, University of Tokyo
This WWW server, which is maintained by Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, contains the reports for the research activities at Department of Physics. Also the documents and FAQ's useful for begginers are collected here. Experimental "Internet Calendar" pages give you the information about troubles and events on Japanese Internet.
Ocean Research Instiute, University of Tokyo
Ocean Research Institute, Univerisity of Tokyo, Nakano-ku, Tokyo. Providing outline of institute, and information of cruise schedule, recent cruise results, and research highlights.
Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, The University of Tokyo. RACE does pioneering work in a young field that hopes to reverse the tragedy of modern technology: the continuous subdivision and narrowing of science and the consequent loss of balance of society and the environment. Its activities were initiated in 1992 by Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, the President of the University of Tokyo, who proposed novel directions for the study of engineering and technology related to all aspects of man-made objects "artifacts". Our server provides various information of RACE concepts and activities. It also provides links to various W3 servers installed on the campus. The list of WWW Servers in University of Tokyo is here
Concrete Laboratory
Concrete Engineering Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering covers entire life of concrete based infrastructures. This research group challenges civil engineering problems in line with CONCRETE from material & structural design stage to long-term service and durability through construction in practice, curing, hardening and aging of structures. (Experimental)


Amris, Ltd.
Yokohama, Japan.
We assist your making of electronic-advertisement with WWW.
Here you can also read: We have many photographs of pets, so DON'T READ if you dislike animals. :-)
Design Studio(WWW-VisualDesigning) _$@!!!!!!!!!!_(J Internet WWW server. Homepage Art Direction. Design service for Internet. 2D&3D Graphics , TypeFace , Icon , etc.....
Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Server is located on Kawasaki Kanagawa Japan.
We announce following articles to Internet:
Brief introduction of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. (Sorry, Japanese only) Some softwares
Keio University
The Faculty of Science and Technology (Yagami Campus) and Shonan Fujisawa Campus have their own home page. These home pages have pointers to other WWW servers located in each campus.
Nomura Research Institute
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., Yokohama, Japan.
WIDE Project
You can get a many kind of topics on the WIDE Project
and informations related to the Internet. Informations provided here about the WIDE Project are following. Also you can access to our Anonymous FTP server.
And several informations about the Internet,such as and so on.


Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan.

MMMC Group
Multimedia and Mobile Computing(MMMC) Group, located at JAIST, is working on distributed multimedia systems, mobile computing, and object-oriented operating systems using Real-Time Mach microkernel.Currently, Real-Time Mach is being developed by our group, Keio Multimedia Platform(MMP) Project, and CMU ART Project.


Lab.of Ecological Economics,Toyama Univ, Toyama, Japan.


SUNTechno college
SUNTechno college .The server is located on Ryuoh , Yamanashi , Japan.
Serving information about Ryuoh-town and Ryuoh-Akasaka Soft-Park.
Yamanashi Area Internet Association, Yamanashi, Japan.
Yamanashi University
Yamanashi University, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan.


Computer Center Institute for Molecular Science (CCIMS)
Computer Center Institute for Molecular Science (CCIMS), Okazaki National Research Institutes. Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan.
Department of Applied Molecular Science (SOUKAN), IMS.
Department of Applied Molecular Science (SOUKAN), Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Okazaki National Research Institutes. Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan.
Fujita Health University
This is Pathy WWW for medical information. This medical information resource is under continuous development. Pathology Gallery of Hematology is now available.
Nagoya University
WWW server of Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan is now available. Not only does it provide local information, but it provides softwares developed in our university. In the near future, it will call for bug reports and questions about them to improve them more quickly.
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan.
Nanzan University
Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan has just lanched two httpd servers in March, 1994, and is going to provide local information such as faculties, staffs, and students from a central server. In Dept. of Information Systems and Quantitative Sciences, introduction of each lab's members and research interests from one of WWW servers located in the classrooms. Also information on local cities, hobbies, and verious interesting information will be added in the near future. Stay tuned.
National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB)
NIBB is one of three institutes in Okazaki National Research Institutes, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan. You can run the PSORT program for analyzing protein sorting signals in amino acid sequence here.
Tokai Internetwork Council, Nagoya, Japan.


KIIS(Kansai Institute of Information Systems)
Kansai Institute of Information Systems (KIIS) is a government- sponsored non-profit organization located in Osaka, Japan, with a mission to promote the prosperity of the Kansai area through information technologies.

It has a membership of about 270 leading companies. KIIS offers information on major projects in Kansai and KIIS-related activities such as:

Hankyu Corporation
Hankyu Corporation WWW Server is now available. This server presents and so on.
Osaka University
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Osaka kyoiku University
Osaka Kyoiku University ,Kashiwara ,Osaka
Osaka Medical College
Osaka Medical College Medical Computation Center, Osaka, Japan.
Matsushita Electric/Panasonic
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan. Although the content is very limited now, we are serving information on Matsushita products. And you can search our software archive by name clicking here. The search result makes a clickable WWW page.
Stellar Craft Inc,
Stellar Craft Inc,,Osaka
Stellar Craft Inc. NetBiz Service Total suppert of the Internet
NeXTrading,Speciality shop of NEXTSTEP, AMRIS assists "Freedom of Expression"
University of Osaka Prefecture
University of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Osaka, Japan.


Design Research Group, Kyoto Institute of Technology
The web server of the Design Research Group at Kyoto Institute of Technology houses publications, an electronic design forum, a gallery of student projects, and a collection of images of Japan.
Kyoto, Japan.
Serving information on science & technology, leisure and events in Kansai. Kansai-WWW is maintained by the subscribers of Kansai-Net, a mailing list of scientists and technologists, both Japanese and foreigner, operating or with interests in the Kansai area of Japan. On Kansai-WWW you can find also an electronic-interactive Kansai-flea market: - post one yourself! - And many useful information for foreigners resident in Kansai. Served here there is also the best of www-servers in Kansai and in Japan, Japanese sources of information, Kansai travel guides, foreign news on the Internet and much much more...
Kyoto University
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
This server provides various informations on faculties and centers in Kyoto University.
Institute for Chemical Research (Uji Campus)
This is the Molecular Biology WWW Server by GenomeNet.
The DBGET service on this WWW server is an extremely useful resource where related database entries in different databases can be obtained easily by hot links.
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan
Notre Dame Women's College
Notre Dame Women's College, Kyoto, Japan.
This server is maintained by the POETS(Personalized Online Electronic Text Services) project team at NDWC. It provides text databases and information related to communication, language and literature.
OMRON Corporation, Kyoto, Japan Serving Japanese/English dictional by Roma-ji, Archie service have Japanse and English interface (FORM demonstration).


Kobe University
Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. Serving Information about Hyogo Prefecture etc.


Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan. It's named "SHiKA" . It has Campus-information, Kansai-area Informaion and so on.


Wakayama University
Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan.
Industrial Technology Center of Wakayama Prefecture (WINTEC), Wakayama, Japan.


Okayama Prefectural University
WWW server of Okayama Prefectural University, Okayama, Japan is now online.


Hiroshima University
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan. This server provides the directory of all university staffs, called WWWhois. It also provides many links to all other servers in our university, for example, Information Processing Center (in Japanese).
Hiroshima City University
WWW server of Hiroshima City University provides informations about the academic staff and the facilities. We also have informations about "THE 12th ASIAN GAMES HIROSHIMA 1994" which will be held in Hiroshima from Oct. 2nd in the "What's New" corner (Now preparing English page).
Radiation Effects Research Foundation
This server includes health effects in the survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and some informations about Hiroshima.


Ube College
Dept. of Computer Science, Ube College.

Shikoku region (sensitive map )


Ehime University
Our WWW server is under construction, so we are only providing a tour through our Ehime University. However, you can also to reach some other servers and informations, particulary in Matsuyama.


Takuma National College of Technology
Takuma National College of Technology,Kagawa,Japan


Kochi University
WWW server is run by Department of Information Science, Kochi University (Akebono-cho, Kochi), which is a new department established in 1990. We have a collection of images on the Earth's environment and weather information. We also serve GMS (Himawari) images for Chugoku/Shikoku area.


The University of Tokushima
Serving Information on Campus Network.

Kyushu region (sensitive map )


Kyushu Area Regional Research Network, Japan.
Kyushu University
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kyushu Sangyo University
Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kyushu Institute of Design
Kyushu Institute of Design, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kyush Institute of Technology
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyuushuu/Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kurume Institute of Technology
Kurume Institute of Technology, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan.
Fukuoka Junior College of Technology.
Fukuoka Junior College of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan.


Saga University
Saga University, Saga, Japan.


Coara, computer commnication service
Nippon Bunri University
Nippon Bunri University, Oita, Japan.


Kumamoto Industrial Research Institute
Kumamoto Industrial Research Institute, Kumamoto, Japan.
Kumamoto University
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan.
Kumamoto National College of Technology
Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan.


Miyazaki University
Miyazaki University, Miyazaki, Japan.
Miyazaki Medical College, Miyazaki, Japan.
Serving information about medical image database system, history and status of hospital information system, etc.
Miyazaki International College
Miyazaki International College, Kiyotake Cho, Miyazaki gun, Miyazaki ken


Kagoshima University
Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan.


Ryukyu University
Ryukyu University, Okinawa, Japan

Last update: Feb 10, 1995. www-admin@seraph.ntt.jp