Arctic Adventours, Inc.

[Arctic Adventours logo]

Welcome to our 1995 program!

Arctic Adventours is a Norwegian company which specializes in creating exciting expeditions and explorations in the Arctic area, including Northern Norway, Jan Mayen, Spitzbergen (Svalbard), Franz Josefs Land and Northern Russia / Siberia.

A central part of almost all our expeditions, is our yacht «Arctic Explorer», which is used to bring us to spots which are difficult to access by other means of transportation.

Due to the responses we got in 1994 on our GIF and JPEG images, we have extended the images with another 100 pictures (only some online for the moment) from these remote parts of the globe! Feel free to use these images for your own private joy, but please not for commercial purposes without contacting us first. If you like them, drop us a note, and we will create more GIFs or JPEGs and move them online - we have ~5000 slides to choose from ...


Programs are subject to change. Please be sure to always get the most up to date versions through the Internet, World Wide Web and «Oslonett Marketplace» !!

1995 Programs

There are other Travel related resources on the Internet as well. We recommend

Norwegian Travel Information Network (NTIN)
Prodigy's (Astranet) Travel Index
We have found this index quite useful!
the Traveler's Tales Resource Center
TTRC is part of the Global Network Navigator from O'Reilly & Associates
The Virtual Tourist
A "Best of the Web-94" service from Brandon Plewe, State University of New York, Buffalo.
The Official Touring Guide to New Brunswick
A very nice and comprehensive guide!
Fleethouse Canada
FLEET HOUSE CANADA is a Vancouver, British Columbia based electronic publication. It is your comprehensive guide to Canadian travel.

There are a number of USENET newsgroups devoted to travel. Here are some of them (note that your News provider may not offer all of these):
Traveling all over the world.
Everything and anything about travel.
Tickets and accomodations wanted and for sale.
Travel in Europe.
Travel in Asia.
Travel in the United States and Canada.
Airline travel around the world.

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This page was updated Feb 4, 1995.