An Attempt To (Really) Tie Complex Systems Together
"Life is if it dies when you stomp on it."
The Reason For It All
This originally started out as an attempt to collate some of the stuff I
found while scouring the Internet for Alife-related material. Then the trusty
University of Pennsylvania decided to allow us to serve up our own Web documents and this thingy was born ....
Hope it makes life a little easier for someone !
The plaintext version is available via email; send mail to with the subject
cplxsys .
First of all, C. Titus Brown has a list of ALife groups , with links to their respective home pages.
Then, there are ....
These links represent a large fraction of the major repositories of informational resources related to Complex Systems in general. Most of the links to
large sites just go to the top level, since there are quite a few potentially
interesting sublevels in each case.
(This list is currently pretty outdated - it was set up when there weren't
nearly as many software packages available as are now. The explosive interest
in complex systems makes it impossible for me to keep up with everything that's
out there, so the best bet, if you're looking for software, is to just
visit as many sites as possible ....)
The following list is, of course, nowhere near exhaustive; these are just
programs/papers I've seen/read and that are mentioned fairly frequently. In
most cases, the hyperlinks just get you to the relevant directory, and it's
up to you to retrieve the appropriate files; I've included the names of the
'non-obvious' ones. (Unix source code is mostly archived in a file called *.tar.Z ... this needs to be uncompressed and 'untarred').
There's a collection of ALife packages at CMU, which
seems to contain pretty much everything.
Alternatively, you can go to the specific sources below :
- Tierra , Tom Ray's way cool
digital ecology simulation. This site contains source code (runs on both
UNIX and DOS platforms) and documentation for Tierra. There are also
manuscripts on Tierra here; see
also the Tierra mailing list below.
- Polyworld , another
neat simulator, complete with C++ source code written to run on a SILICON
GRAPHICS machine and technical paper describing polyworld. README file has
more info.
- GENESIS ; this is a program for Neural Network simulation, runs on X11 platforms and is
supposed to have rather good graphics.
Cellsim , a
cellular automata simulator by Chris Langton. (Much thanks for the pictures !)
- Cellular , a programmable CA simulator with it's very own language, Cellang, can now be obtained by sending mail to Majordomo@Think.Com.
Send the messages get cellular-automata cellular.tar.gz.uu or get cellular-automata in the text body to get the
UNIX and DOS versions respectively. (The DOS version should be unzipped with the -d option.)
- SNNS , a neural
network simulator written at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- ENCORE, a repository of
programs/papers related to Evolutionary Computation, has lots of
stuff. Check out the OVERVIEW file.
- An implementation of Core War for various systems (Mac, PC, Unix/X-Windows) can be found here.
The FAQ lists
what system each program is for.
- Game of Life . There are various Life forms ( geddit ?), for PCs and UNIX. Files
ending in .zip are for PCs. This directory also contains a collection of 'the best Life patterns ever obtained' in the file An MS-DOS program for running these patterns is [These patterns can be run on Xlife by changing the .lif extension to .life].
- There is a paper on GAs for beginners and intermediates, in two parts here.
- Bugworld ; simulates a bug-ecology, with predators and all. File is called bugworld.tar.Z .
- L-systems ; Aristid Lindenmayers' L-systems can be used for various neat things, like
growing natural-looking plants out of very simple rules. The file is called
lsys.tar.Z .
- Biomorphs ; I have a strong feeling that this is Richard Dawkins' program that simulates
evolution of what he calls 'biomorphs'; evolutionary pressure is towards
critters that look interesting. It looks like this file is for PCs; it's called .
- LEE (Latent Energy
Environment), an Alife simulator is available for ftp. There is also a paper
on it here, as .
- The Artifical Life Distribution List : for subscriptions,
deletions or administrative details, send mail to . All submissions for distribution to .
List maintainers : Liane Gabora and Rob Collins .
- The ALife Digest from Aberdeen.
- The Evolutionary Programming List : send mail to with message body
subscribe ep-list .
- There are 2 mailing lists devoted to Tierra (see 'Specific Programs/Papers' above): one is devoted to official announcements, updates and bug-fixes ( tierra-announce), while the other will carry official postings and is intended for discussion of Tierra by users ( tierra-digest). The latter is distributed in digest form when there is enough material.
Addresses : -> to be added, removed or complain about problems with any of the lists. -> to post to the list. -> for bug-reports or questions about code or installation.
- The Genetic Programming List : to subscribe, send mail to , with the message body subscribe genetic-progamming 'address' . To post to the actual list, send mail to . See also the Genetic Programming FTP Archive .
- The Complex Systems News Distribution List : a mailing list
dealing with Complex Systems in general ie CA, Alife, GA, fractals etc. To
subscribe, send mail to with the message
body subscribe complex "full name" . To post to the list itself, send
mail to .
- The Cellular Automata Mailing List : discusses all aspects of
Cellular Automata. Send mail to with the words
'subscribe cellular-automata' or 'unsubscribe cellular-automata' in the
text body to subscribe/unsubscribe respectively. For more information on
Listserv commands, send 'help'.
- The Cellular Neural Networks List . From the announcement for
the list :
"Cellular Neural Networks are continuous-time dynamical systems
consisting of a grid of processing elements connected only to
neighbours within a given distance. They are therefore a class of
recurrent neural networks [...]"
To subscribe, send mail to Marco Balsi at; to post to the list iself, send the article to
- The Complexity International Journal , which is a refereed journal
for scientific papers relating to work in complex systems research. This
journal is available via ftp at and can also be accessed using the hyperlink to .
Email correspondence : Submission of manuscripts to , editorial correspondence to and subscriptions to with
message body subscribe ci "your name" .
- The Genetic Algorithm Digest : send subscription requests to and submissions to .
- There is a Genetic Algorithms Research Student List (GEARS) :
Due to the response to my recent request for discussions, I have set
up the GEnetic Algorithms Research Student mailing list (GEARS). In common
with a lot of people, I feel that the existing mailing lists don't cater for
research students, who are often "left out in the cold". This may be due to
one of a number of factors; examples cited being "My supervisor knows
nothing about GAs", "No-one else in my department is working on GAs", etc.
Although existing mailing lists achieve their objectives admirably, I still
feel that GEARS will fill a gap in the current "market".
The mailing list will not be restricted to research students, but the
discussions are expected to centre around the concerns and interests of this
specific group. Example topics may be "How do I get started in GA research?",
"Has x ever been tried before?", "Does anyone else get these results?",
"Where can I obtain this paper?", "My supervisor's annoying me!", etc.
Martyn Amos :,
To subscribe, send mail to
- There is a list on Evolving Neural Network Architectures :
To subscribe : mail to with "Subject": subscribe.
To unsubscribe : mail to with "Subject": unsubscribe.
All administrative queries/enquiries/comments should be addressed to
All articles/notes/replies-to-queries/submissions to the list
should be sent to
- The Nonlinear Science Preprint Bulletin Board ,at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which provides a
fully automated system for archiving and distribution of electronic preprints.
This Bulletin Board is divided into several categories, and for information on how to to access and/or subscribe to any of the following divisions, send mail to the appropriate address with the subject help and a blank message body.
Dynamical systems/chaos/quantum chaos/topological dynamics/cycle expansions/turbulence/propagation : mail to
Pattern formation/coherent structures/Solitons : mail to .
Computational methods/time series analysis/signal processing/wavelets/lattice gases : mail to
Adaptation/interacting particle systems/self-organizing systems/computation theory/machine learning : mail to
For all of the above, send mail to .
- Newsgroups : The following newsgroups deal with the various subsets of Complex Systems :, comp.theory.cell-automata ,
comp.theory.self-org-sys , comp.theory.dynamic-sys , sci.nonlinear , , , comp.robotics ,
The following FAQs are available :
The Neurosciences Internet Resource Guide , with lots of good stuff
is here .
There is a collection of bibliographies on the subtopics of complex systems,
such as Artificial Life, Chaos, Fractals etc here .
The University of Mainz has a bibliography relating to Nonlinear Dynamics.
The Genetic Programming Bibliography.
These are links to pictures generated via CAs, L-systems, fractal
rules and a couple of LIFE patterns.
- Last modified 950117
- This file is being maintained by Alex Mallet. Please email with corrections and updates.
- Alex Mallet's home page of sorts.
Disclaimer: This document in no way represents the University of
Pennsylvania. All opinions and errors are mine alone.