An Attempt To (Really) Tie Complex Systems Together

"Life is if it dies when you stomp on it."

The Reason For It All

This originally started out as an attempt to collate some of the stuff I found while scouring the Internet for Alife-related material. Then the trusty University of Pennsylvania decided to allow us to serve up our own Web documents and this thingy was born ....

Hope it makes life a little easier for someone !

The plaintext version is available via email; send mail to with the subject cplxsys .


First of all, C. Titus Brown has a list of ALife groups , with links to their respective home pages.

Then, there are ....

FTP and WWW Sites

These links represent a large fraction of the major repositories of informational resources related to Complex Systems in general. Most of the links to large sites just go to the top level, since there are quite a few potentially interesting sublevels in each case.

Specific programs/papers

(This list is currently pretty outdated - it was set up when there weren't nearly as many software packages available as are now. The explosive interest in complex systems makes it impossible for me to keep up with everything that's out there, so the best bet, if you're looking for software, is to just visit as many sites as possible ....)

The following list is, of course, nowhere near exhaustive; these are just programs/papers I've seen/read and that are mentioned fairly frequently. In most cases, the hyperlinks just get you to the relevant directory, and it's up to you to retrieve the appropriate files; I've included the names of the 'non-obvious' ones. (Unix source code is mostly archived in a file called *.tar.Z ... this needs to be uncompressed and 'untarred').

There's a collection of ALife packages at CMU, which seems to contain pretty much everything.

Alternatively, you can go to the specific sources below :

Newsgroups, Journals and Mailing Lists


The following FAQs are available :

Other Resources and Bibliographies

The Neurosciences Internet Resource Guide , with lots of good stuff is here .

There is a collection of bibliographies on the subtopics of complex systems, such as Artificial Life, Chaos, Fractals etc here .

The University of Mainz has a bibliography relating to Nonlinear Dynamics.

The Genetic Programming Bibliography.

A few pretty pictures

These are links to pictures generated via CAs, L-systems, fractal rules and a couple of LIFE patterns.


Disclaimer: This document in no way represents the University of Pennsylvania. All opinions and errors are mine alone.