Ohio University Telecommunications Center

Welcome to the Telecommunications Center's Web server. Located on the main campus of Ohio University in Athens, the Center is a community and institutional information resource applying radio, television and related technologies in support of the goals of the university.

We hope you'll use this Web server to learn more About the Center, and to visit some of our different services:

You can also use this server to access other public radio and television stations, listen to audio files from our Family Health radio series, and view material from Ohio Educational Broadcasting. The newest Center activity is our participation in the SouthEastern Ohio Regional Free-Net (SEORF).

Because of recent proposals to reduce or eliminate federal funding for public broadcasting, we are making a statement available that describes the impact of the proposed cuts on the services provided by the Telecommunications Center.

To get in touch with our staff, just send mail to tcom@ohiou.edu. We welcome your comments about the information on this server.

Tim Myers, tmyers@marconi.tcom.ohiou.edu