Welcome to Lublin

(Polska wersja)

Welcome! This is a World-Wide Web service brought to you by ZIO UMCS, using the NCSA 1.3 httpd software. This is a city home page, not a campus service. Below you can see our server's weekly access statistics, generated by the wusage 3.2 program.

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***** The town

Lublin is the biggest town of eastern Poland, an administrative, industrial and educational centre in this predominantly agricultural region. It covers the area of 147.5 km2, and hosts a population of c. 350 000 people. The employment figure is 115 686. The town budget for 1993 amounted to 555 bln zloties (c. $28 mln).

***** Universities and institutes

Lublin provides the whole eastern Poland - and not only - with excellent opportunites of higher level education. Among the local schools of higher education are:

The network

LUBMAN (Lublin Metropolitan Area Network) is town network designed to integrate the local academic community as well as town institutions. Below you can find more information about the network, as well as links to Polish and world WWW services.

Comments and suggestions:

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Last updated: GS, February 21st, 1995