Welcome to the University of Michigan!

You have reached the gateway to a federation of information services provided by many units within the University, including administrative, academic, and extended services. The Gateway has been organized by the Information Gateway Project.

Using this gateway

About the University of Michigan

University of Michigan directories

Information resources and services from the University of Michigan

Beyond the University

Please note: This is the University of Michigan information technology environment. Users agree to abide by the highest standards of responsibility to their colleagues and are required to comply with all University policies, state, and federal laws concerning appropriate use of information technology. Non-compliance is considered a serious breach of this community's standards and may result in disciplinary or legal action. To learn about or review these policies, refer to the collection of relevant documents provided by our Information Technology Division.

A text-only version of this page is also available.

As there are many ways to organize information, and many reasons for needing it, we provide several means of access. The gateway will also provide you with information about specific services as you locate them, describing the features and limitations of each service. We also provide usage statistics for this service (only accessible from U-M sites).

University of Michigan Information Gateway project