UNI ZH University of Zurich

Universität Zürich - University of Zurich

Welcome to the World Wide Web Server at the University of Zurich in Switzerland! This service is operated by the computing center at the University of Zurich. You may read this page also auf Deutsch. In this server, you can find information (mainly in german) on ...

* The University of Zurich

* The computing center (RZU)

some public services provided by the computing center:

and other informations of the computing center (e.g. the RZU Aktuell periodical, the local area network at the University, and coordinator support for "EDV-Koordinatoren")

and access ...

* To the WWW servers provided by departments:

* Now it is time to register for the first WINGS Circle !

* Services from outside the University

The authors appreciate any comments and suggestions.

Last update: 04-APR-95/mazzo