UUCC Image Database Search
This is an Image Database that is run by the University of Utah Computer Center.
Searching the Database
You may search the database in the following ways:
- Multiple Field Search
- This requires form support by the client.
- Single Field Search
- Image Name Search
- This allows you to search the database looking for an image's name. This is not necessarily the name of the file.
- Image Author Search
- This allows you to search the database looking for an particular author (artist).
- Image Description Search
- This allows you to search the descriptions of the images.
- File Name Search
- This allows you to search the database for a file name. This is not necessarily the name of the image.
- Record ID Search
- This allows you to search the database looking for a record with a particular ID.
Adding to the Database
You may contribute images to the database.
- Add an Image to the Image Database
- This form will allow you to make contributions to the database.
- This requires that your client support forms.
- Please read the instructions on the page before submitting any information!
Editing the Database
You may edit and delete your entries in the database.
- Edit a Record in the Database
- Not yet functional. Sorry.
- Delete a Record in the Database
- Not yet functional. Sorry.
How does this work?
I'm glad you asked. This project is an experiment to see how feasible something like this is. Being as such, I implemented it using tools that were quick to use, not necessarily quick in performance (so be patient). Here's a list of the hardware and software involved in pulling this off:
- The server is a Macintosh 7100/80 running MacHTTP
- The database being used is FileMaker Pro v2.1 for the Macintosh
- MacHTTP and FileMaker communicate via AppleScript
- The initial set of images came from the Kodak PhotoCD sampler. I'll be adding my own as time goes by.
The speed at which this runs is far from optimal, but goes far enought to prove that this is possible. With some time (OK, a lot of time) I could build an Oracle or SQL database and script the whole thing in Perl, but I mostly wanted to see if this could be done (and I did).
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