The 21st Century Project Home Page

The 21st Century Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan program of research and activism designed to explore and promote new directions in government science and technology policy in the post-Cold War era. The 21st Century Project advocates disarmament, defense conversion, and a reorientation of scientific and technological investments toward solutions to significant national and international problems such as environmental deterioration, job scarcity and the quality of work, and community stability. The 21st Century Project also stresses the need for democratizing decision-making about new scientific and technological priorities.

Documents relating to the 21st Century Project include:

Further information on the 21st Century Project can be received by contacting Gary Chapman.

Gary Chapman
The 21st Century Project
Lyndon Baines Johnson School
of Public Affairs
Drawer Y, University Station
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78713
(512) 471-4962
Electronic mail:

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