Special Internet Connections: Last update 4/24/95
(C) Copyright 1995 Scott Yanoff.
No changes are to be made to this document without
the author's written consent. Reproduction/distribution without my
permission is allowable so long as it is for NON-PROFIT
CONTENTS (Not a Complete Listing, so scroll down to see more)
Agricultural Information, Family Issues, Food and Nutrition
Agricultural info (livestock reports, current market prices, etc.).
Agriculture Gophers/Webs
Agriculture Lists
Almanac mail servers
Each offers different USDA market news and articles. (Body: send guide or send catalog)
Educational resources, legislation and regulation, etc.
- BIC - Biotechnology Information Center
GRIN, National Genetic Resources Program, USDA-ARS
The NGRP gopher server provides germplasm imformation about plants,
animals, microbes and insects within the National Genetic Resources
Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS).
Master Gardener
How to care for vegetable crops, turf grasses, flowering plants, trees and shrubs.
NetVet - Veterinary Resource Line
Archives of information, proceedings, oncology, and so on regarding various species of animals.
Sustainable Agriculture Information
Access to discussion group archives, gopher holes, pesticide education, rural skills, EnviroGopher, agronomy information, USDA statistics, etc.
Almanac of Events/Today in History
Avion Online Newspaper
Here you can read the first online Aviation/Aerospace newspaper, including
pictures, stories and graphics in a multimedia environment.
Aviation Gopher Holes and Web Sites
Acts as a repository for things on rec.aviation (pics, stories...).
Aviation Weather Reports
Aviation weather, flight planning.
Biology Gopher Holes and WWW Sites
Frog Dissection
Images of the frog from various views, and in various stages of dissection.
Genetics Resources
Molecular Modeling
Molecules R US - an interactive interface to facilitate browsing, searching, and viewing of the molecular structure data contained within the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank.
Botanical Gardens
Botany Databases
Business Resources
Canadian Business
Currency Exchange Rates
European Commission Host Organization, free databases!
Economics BBS
Interest rates, foreign exchange rates, price indexes, stats.
Economics Gophers
Economics Resources on the Web
Entrepreneurs on the Web
- A place where entrepreneurs can find useful business information
A financial economics WWW server.
Foundation for Enterprise Development
A comprehensive resource on equity compensation, employee involvement and other leading business strategies.
IBC: Internet Business Center
The Internet Business Center is a World-Wide Web server for information
specifically related to business use of the Internet.
- IBC: Internet Business Center
Tax FAQs, forms and instructions, where to file.
Markets and Investments
Commodities, currency exchange, mutual funds, personal finance, quarterly reports, stocks.
Mutual Funds
Patent Searching and Information
- STO's Internet Patent Search System
Personal Finance Center
- GNN Personal Finance Center
Small Business Administration
Small Business Administration programs, services, and lists.
Stock Market Reports/Charts
Stock Market Simulation
Wall Street News
Forecasting financial markets, business, investments, and the economy.
Ways Business Magazine
Info. about profitable business methods for the technology age.
Jobs database, resume listing service, search by location/keyword
Online database, book reviews, magazine fax delivery service, Journal graphics.
Periodic Table of Elements
Amiga User Area
Lots of useful information for Amiga owners.
Cyberspace Tools
Links to great WWW and telnet software for multiple platforms.
Shareware Search Engines
Unix Reference Desk
Used Software Exchange
Buy or sell used software for almost any platform.
AT&T 800 Number Directory
Car recall and technical service bulletins
Catalog Mart
10,000 catalogs you can order FREE, covering over 800 topics.
Classified Advertising
Posting and browsing ads is free.
Consumer News/Info
Commercial Sites on the Web
On-Line Shopping
Search for/buy CDs, software, books, video tapes, etc. online!
Providers of Commercial Internet Access
Search directory based on area codes and location.
Criminal Justice
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service - NCJRS
DataBase Via Finger
Query databases, find newsgroups, access archie, etc., via finger.
Dictionary/Spelling service. Type HELP for information.
Celebrity Lecture Series
Dewey School of Education
An experiment in using WWW for not only providing information , but also facilitating communication between students from all over the world.
Distance Education Databases
Education Gophers/Webs
Provides K-12 resources, discussion groups, etc.
Educational Online Sources
An excellent educational Web service with links to other education webs too.
Information on scholarships, minority assistance, etc.
IBM Kiosk for Education (IKE) User Discussion Forums.
Instructional Development Services
Over 200 teaching tips, as well as pointers to other teaching/learning resources.
International Education Bulletin Board
Offers program listings, resources, contact individuals and govermental information.
K-12 Resources
Collection of what's out there on the Web for K-12.
Telecomm. project aimed at 10-15 year olds.
Kids on Campus
Nice home page for students to wander around the Internet on.
A communications playground for kids ages 8-12. Contests, games, penpals, etc.
Learning Links
Electronic information and communication service for educators.
Innovative K12 problem-solving project that involves teams of students "talking" about math.
Educational Multi-User Simulated Environments.
Nanaimo SchoolsNET
An education-based BBS.
National Education BBS
A limited-access system for NESP educators.
BBS for those teaching/studying science, CS, math.
Plugged In
A non-profit group dedicated to bringing the educational opportunities created by new technologies to children and families from low-income communities.
Questions on University Extension. Regional Research Info
Schools via WWW
Teaching & Learning with the Web
Environmental Gophers/Webs
Fax via Internet
Alcoholic Beverages
Recipe Archives
Restaurant Reviews
Searches all ftp sites for any program you want. (Login: archie)
Archie Mail Servers
Alterative Archie access to those without ftp or telnet.
- mail archie@insert one of the above addresses here (subject: help)
FTP via EMail
FTP Sites/Archives
- ftp ftp.ocf.berkeley.edu offers docs, bible, lyrics, etc.
- ftp wuarchive.wustl.edu
ftp ftp.uu.net you name it, it's
- ftp archive.umich.edu or ftp sumex-aim.stanford.edu for
software for MS-Dos computers, Mac, Amiga, Apple2, Apollo...
- ftp oak.oakland.edu is a huge
software archive for PCs and UNIX
- ftp ftp.sura.net has
how-to's about internet (email, ftp, telnet, etc.) in /pub/nic
- ftp
quartz.rutgers.edu All the rec.humor/humor files you'd want (tv, sex..)
FTP via Telnet
Access UIowa's huge FTP site via telnet!
Click HERE to see the next third of this list.