Welcome to the Liberec University of Technology

You have launched to our World-Wide Web server. You can find here some (hopefully interesting) information about the following topics:

The University

The University: including contact addresses, information about faculties and so on.


LIANE: (which means LIberec Academical NEtwork) is our campus computer network. You find here basic information about LIANE, a nice poster, some statistical information, guides and the LIANE News bulletin. Some texts are in Czech - sorry.

Our Network Services

Our Network Services: we offer a whole lot of them. Many are relatively common, but we have here some specialities (hand made - the best quality).


CESNET: (Czech Educational and Scientific NETwork) is an academical network in Czech Republic. We are maintaining the national entry point for Gopher service for Czech Republic. On this server you can find probably the best information about CESNET.

Hypertext Documents

Hypertext documents: presented documents are mostly not original. But we plan some activity in this field...

Other WWW Servers

Other WWW servers: contains pointers to some interesting information placed outside this server.
All notes, contributions, criticisms and so on are welcome. Please mail to administrator.

Made by Couliche April 10, 1994