First WWW Conference

First International Conference on the World-Wide Web

May 25-26-27 1994, CERN, Geneva (Switzerland)

The Conference is over ... This page remains of interest as a report and as pointer to the next ones.

The Third one will be:

           WWW Spring '95
           Darmstadt, Germany, April 10-14 1995, organised by the

                      Fraunhofer Gesellschaft.

The second conference was held in the US:

           WWW Fall '94:  Mosaic and the Web
           Chicago, October 17-19, organised by NCSA and CERN.

The three days in Geneva were attended by 380 participants from all over the world.

My thanks go to many people, and also to many institutes and companies, especially to the co-organisers from the CUI (Centre Universitaire d'Informatique), Oscar Nierstrasz and Bertrand Ibrahim.

There were 49 formal presentations, 11 workshops and many discussions going on in parallel. The proceedings will be published in two forms, and until then, the preliminary proceedings are available for inspection.

The Best of WWW Awards were handed out at the Conference Dinner.

The conference closed on Friday afternoon with a general panel discussing issues for the future.

You can submit trip reports (but I do not guarantee publication!)

User Society

Furthermore, we are considering creating a WWW User Society, which will serve the purpose of grouping the individual users, institutes and existing interest groups. It will run the conferences and could also channel the input to the upcoming WWW Consortium. We expect serious suggestions on purpose and structure, as well as offers of help with this Society, by e-mail to

Past History...

You can still access the old information temporarily.
RC 02 June 94