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BeOS Version DR8.3
for PowerMacintosh


On March 12, 1997, Be released an update for the PowerMac version of the BeOS -- BeOS Version DR8.3 for PowerMac. This is an important upgrade for all developers using the BeOS on PowerMacintosh compatible hardware.


Who needs DR8.3 for PowerMac?

All developers who are using the BeOS on PowerMacintosh compatible hardware need to upgrade to version DR8.3. The previous version, DR8.2, will not work after April 1, 1997 (see below for details.)

If you are using the BeOS on BeBox hardware you do NOT need to install DR8.3. DR8.3 provides only PowerMacintosh hardware-specific enhancements, and contains no new functionality that BeBox owners do not already have. BeBox owners should not install DR8.3, the update will overwrite BeBox specific drivers and render the system unbootable.


About DR8.3 for PowerMac

This version of the BeOS for PowerMac is designed to provide enhance ments and solve problems in three major areas;

  • During the development of the BeOS, we have been evaluating various font technologies. Our license for the technology embedded in the original DR8 for PowerMac required that we place a time limitation on its use (known as a "time bomb.") Thus DR8 for PowerMac will expire on April 1, 1997 because of this limitation. Since the release of DR8 for PowerMac, we have chosen a font technology for the final product and can make this technology available. Version DR8.3 for PowerMac replaces the font renderer code and fonts, and removes the time limitations. Note that you may not see much difference in font performance in version DR8.3, most of the impact will be seen in the next BeOS release.

  • DR8.2 for PowerMac could not take advantage of more than one processor in a PowerMac system. DR8.3 provides true multiprocessor support for PowerMacintosh hardware. See the Be-Ready pages in the Product Section for a complete list of supported MP systems.

  • DR8.2 for PowerMac could not use the serial ports. DR8.3 provides support for the Mac serial ports, and it includes applications and associated files you can use to establish a PPP connection to the Internet or to connect directly to another device using the serial ports.

  • In addition to the above, there are a number of corrections to bugs found in the PowerMac release.

The DR8.3 update is contained in two files. The first is a MacOS file containing replacements for the application "BeOS Launcher" and the system file "OS Chooser". The second file is a BeOS file containing updates to a number of files within the BeOS.


How Do I Get DR8.3?

To get started with updating your BeOS for PowerMac system, see the "Updating to DR8.3 of the BeOS for PowerMacintosh computers" page.


What about the BeOS Preview Release?

Be is now completing work on the next version of the BeOS -- the BeOS Preview Release (often called "DR9" by developers.) This will be a unified release for BeBox and PowerMac hardware.

Because distribution CDs for the Preview Release will not be pressed in time for the April 1 expiration date, we are releasing the DR8.3 update for PowerMac to ensure developers can continue work uninterupted.

  • If you are a developer, see the Be Developer pages to update your developer record. You will be sent a copy of the Preview Release as soon as it is available, but you must confirm your developer information in advance of this release to receive priority shipment.

  • If you are not a developer, but are anxiously awaiting the BeOS Preview release, please see the Preview Release information page. There you can provide us with your name and e-mail address so that we can notify you as soon as the Preview Release is available.

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