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ATA Internal

ATA=AT bus Attachment..
Developed by Western Digital, Conner & Seagate ?.

40 PIN IDC MALE(At the controller & peripherals)
40 PIN IDC FEMALE(At the cable)

40 PIN IDC MALE at the controller & peripherals.
40 PIN IDC FEMALE at the cable.

Pin Name Dir Description
1 /RESET --> Reset
2 GND --- Ground
3 DD7 <-> Data 7
4 DD8 <-> Data 8
5 DD6 <-> Data 6
6 DD9 <-> Data 9
7 DD5 <-> Data 5
8 DD10 <-> Data 10
9 DD4 <-> Data 4
10 DD11 <-> Data 11
11 DD3 <-> Data 3
12 DD12 <-> Data 12
13 DD2 <-> Data 2
14 DD13 <-> Data 13
15 DD1 <-> Data 1
16 DD14 <-> Data 14
17 DD0 <-> Data 0
18 DD15 <-> Data 15
19 GND --- Ground
20 KEY - Key (Pin missing)
21 DMARQ ? DMA Request
22 GND --- Ground
23 /DIOW --> Write Strobe
24 GND --- Ground
25 /DIOR --> Read Strobe
26 GND --- Ground
27 IORDY <-- I/O Ready
28 SPSYNC:CSEL ? Spindle Sync or Cable Select
29 /DMACK ? DMA Acknowledge
30 GND --- Ground
31 INTRQ <-- Interrupt Request
32 /IOCS16 ? IO ChipSelect 16
33 DA1 --> Address 1
34 PDIAG ? Passed Diagnositcs
35 DA0 --> Address 0
36 DA2 --> Address 2
37 /IDE_CS0 --> (1F0-1F7)
38 /IDE_CS1 --> (3F6-3F7)
39 /ACTIVE --> Led driver
40 GND --- Ground
Note: Direction is Controller relative Devices (Harddisks).
Contributor: Joakim Ögren
Source: ?
Please send any comments to Joakim Ögren.