(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
Turn On Graphics and Tables.
- Amiga International Homepage - The official Web site for Amiga International.
- Amiga International FTP Site - The official file distribution site for Amiga International GmbH. Includes software updates, beta test versions of system software and other goodies. Here's a quick link to the Public directory.
Amiga News - The Amiga Web Directory's exclusive collection of the latest news, press releases, rumors and other current information about the Amiga.
- Gateway 2000 - Home page of the new owners of the Amiga. Site is heavy into Wintel machines, but we suspect that may change somewhat.
- What's New at Gateway 2000 - Collection of new press releases from Gateway 2000. Most are definitely NOT Amiga-oriented.
- Gateway Stock Watch - Latest information about Gateway 2000 stock price, history, trading volume, etc. Courtesy of the Security APL Quote Server provided by The PAWWS Financial Network.
- Gateway 2000 Mailing List Form - Yes, one of the options on the official Gateway 2000 subscription form is for the Amiga.
- Amiga International Dealer Info - Official Amiga International page featuring world-wide Amiga dealer listings and dealers with a presence on the WWW.
- Amiga Support and Updates - Official software support pages for Amiga International' online packages. Good, useful stuff.
- Amiga Dealer List - Another listing of Amiga dealers worldwide. From Amiga Report Magazine.
- Amiga International Information - Official Information about Amiga International, from Gilles Bourdin, Company Spokesman. (Old)
- Amiga "Back for the Future" Poster - A collection of Jpeg files (courtesy, Harv Laser) of the famous, new Amiga poster and slogan.
- Amiga Surfer Screen Shots - Screen shots of the new Amiga Surfer software AMFTP, AMIRC, Mindwalker (web browser) and Voodo (e-mail client).
- AMILOGO.JPG (56K) - The current, official logo for the Amiga from Amiga International.
- A1200.JPG (102K) - Scanned pic of A1200.
- A4000T.JPG (94K) - Scanned pic of A4000T.
- M1438S.JPG (91K) - Scanned pic of M1438S monitor.
- Kleines AMIGA-Quiz - Take a quiz about the Amiga (German-only, for now). From Dr. K (formerly) at Amiga International.
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