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Welcome to the phase 5 digital products support program!

Manufacturing new and innovative products using advanced technologies, we feel responsible to support users and developers to improve and adapt their products to these new technologies.
The Internet is the preferred media for information interchange. You can get most of the information from our support BBS, but as the Internet grows more and more, the BBS will become obsolete. By request the informations are available on floppy disk(s). Unlike the information retrieval by use of the Internet, this service is not free of charge.

Our offers !

  1. Drivers and related software for our products.
  2. Compatibility list of all officially by the manufacturer approvedproducts.
  3. Software and demos supplied by third parties supporting our products.
  4. Informations about new projects and current development states.
  5. Beta versions of new software for testing for registered beta testers.
  6. Possibility to order paperware about our new products.

Choose one out of three offers:

Registering for Developer Status "COPPER"

You need actual versions of device drivers and additional software supporting our products. In addition you want to have the possiblity to get actual information about problems and solutions from our problem and solution list as well as infos about news and upcoming projects. You do not need to be supplied with the newest software automatically. You will request new software or infos as needed and you will not need special support by our developers support department.

  • This is exactly, what I need! I like to register for COPPER status! I will have no expense for registering and no obligations resulting from that registration. Private data will not be made public and only be used by phase 5 digital products for handling the support.

Registering for Developer Status "SILVER"

You need actual versions of device drivers and additional software supporting our products as soon as they are available. You want to be informed whenever newer versions can be obtained. In addition you want to be able to discuss with other developers and to get informations from our problem and solution database. You want to contact our developers support hotline for solution of uncommon or extreme difficult problems. You do not need to be supplied with the newest software automatically. You will request new software or infos as needed. For testing purposes, you like to purchase phase 5 products at a special price.

  • This is exactly, what I need! I like to register for SILVER status! I will pay the charge of currently DM 100,- per year as soon as I received the invoice from phase 5 digital products. I will have no additional obligations resulting from this registration. I can terminate membership of the support program at any time by notification to phase 5 digital products. Private data will not be made public and only be used by phase 5 digital products for handling the support.

Registering for Developer Status "GOLD"

You need actual versions of device drivers and additional software supporting our products as soon as they are available. You want to receive them as well as informations about new products automatically. This way you can be sure to be up to date at any time. In addition you want to be able to discuss with other developers and to get informations from our problem and solution database. You want to contact our developers support hotline if needed. For solution of uncommon or extreme difficult problems queries to the hardware developers should be possible. For testing purposes, you like to purchase phase 5 products at a special price without quantity restrictions.

  • This is exactly, what I need! I like to register for GOLD status! I will pay the charge of currently DM 500,- per year as soon as I received the invoice from phase 5 digital products. I will have no additional obligations resulting from this registration. I can terminate membership of the support program at any time by notification to phase 5 digital products. Private data will not be made public and only be used by phase 5 digital products for handling the support.

We hope, you found a support program that matches your needs. Of course you can switch to another level of the support program at any time as well as entirely terminate your membership. But please keep in mind, that any already paid charges for the current year will not be returned.

Your phase 5 digital products Developer Support