Gateway 2000 College Relations Program

What is Gateway 2000?

Gateway 2000 is one of the leading direct marketers of personal computers in the computer industry. On September 5, 1985, then 22 year old Ted Waitt, Chairman and CEO, founded Gateway 2000, Inc. in Sioux City, Iowa. To start the company he borrowed $10,000 from his Grandmother and began selling hardware peripherals and software to Texas Instrument Personal Computers out of his familyís barn. In 1986 we began building and selling our own brand of Gateway 2000 personal computers.

Company revenues reported $100,000 within the first four months, $1.5 million in 1987, $2.7 billion at the end of 1994, and after a record breaking billion-dollar fourth quarter in 1995 sales hit $3.7 billion. This marks the second year in a row that Gateway 2000 had grown by approximately $1 billion dollars in annual revenue!

Gateway has been continually been honored by the top computer magazines. Some awards are:

  • Business Solutions named our Gateway Solo Notebook the "Computer of the Month" in April of 1996,
  • Byte named Gateway the "Users Choice Award for Computers" in April and July of 1996,
  • Popular Science listed our Destination computer as one of the "100 Best of Whatís New" in October of 1996.
  • Computer Shopper readers in November 1996 voted Gateway 2000 number one in all five categories of their "Best Buy Awards" for computer systems. (This marks the SIXTH consecutive year Gateway 2000 has swept all of the top awards.)
  • Gateway is listed on the NYSE market as GTW.

    Texas Instruments PC customers exchange TI PCs for Gateway 2000 IBM compatibles.

    February 1987
    Ted and Mike get sick of looking at each other. Up go the first cubicle walls!

    Shipping/Sales Rep. cannot pronounce "peripherals". So we focus on systems and ship our first 286 PC for $2,295.

    Annual Sales: $1.5 million
    Employees: Eight

    Where is Gateway 2000?

    Gateway 2000ís roots are firmly embedded in the Missouri River valley where the states of South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska meet. With our corporate offices located in North Sioux City, SD, we are one of the largest employers in the tri-state area. Most departments are based in North Sioux City site:

    Executive Offices
    General and Major Account Sales
    Technical Support
    Customer Service
    Administrative Offices

    Currently Gateway has three other US facilities: Sioux Falls, SD; Kansas City, MO; and Hampton, VA.

    The Sioux Falls, SD site is comprised mainly of technical support, add-on and portable sales, and customer hardware support (CHS). CHS deals with computer servicing, sending out additional computer components, and returned systems.

    Gateway Kansas City, Missouri is a call center environment for sales, technical support, and customer service.

    The Hampton, Virginia site is our second manufacturing plant in the United States.

    On the international front, you will find Gateway 2000ís growth on the rise with a presence already in Ireland, France, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.

    February 1988
    25 systems built and shipped in one day!! All 10 phones ringing off the hook from Gateway's first major ad in the Computer Shipper, "Computers from Iowa?"

    March 1988
    Phone system expanded to 10 lines!!

    1988 - Industry First
    EGA color monitors standard on all systems.

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