Software Updates
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Utility for smart swapping of Library files for Amiga users.
- 19,968 - This Readme file discusses the changes to the Video Toaster
Flyer software made by installing the 4.1d update.
fly41d.txt - 3,551 - This Readme file discusses the changes to the
Video Toaster Flyer software made by installing the 4.1d update.(Text file
fly41d1.sfx - 672,551 - Disk 1 of 3 update 4.1D for Flyer 4.1B owners
fly41d1.txt - 211
fly41d2.sfx - 862,661 - Disk 2 of 3 update 4.1D for Flyer 4.1B owners
fly41d2.txt - 243
fly41d3.sfx - 455,837- This is disk 3 of 3 4.1D update for Flyer 4.1B
fly41d3.txt - 166
instl41d.sfx - 374,936 - Installation disk for 4.1D Flyer Software
(For use with the 4.1D cd only)
manphase.sfx - 338,066 - Manual Hue Phase Adjustment Proceedures for
manphase.txt - 8,703 - Explanation and Instructions for the Manual
Hue Phase Adjustment Procedures for Flyers
fly41d2ca.sfx - 506,414 - Installation file if you are operating a
Flyer revision 2C chip board.
fly41d2ca.txt - 586 - ****Warning about fly41d2c.sfx****
AFLYRCLP.ZIP - 201,227 - LightWave Flyer Clip Saver Plugin This Plug-in
is for Alpha LightWave version 4.0
AFlyrclp.readme - 2,147 - How to apply the AFlyrclp
AXFLY.ZIP - 252,676 - Contains both IFF2Clip and FlyerClip Plugins
(Alpha Lightwave versions 4.0 and 5.0)
AXPFLIC.ZIP - 47,221 - NEWTEK FLIC SAVER PLUG IN This Plug-in is for
Alpha LightWave version 4.0
AXPFLIC.readme - 953 - Installation of AXPFLIC
NUMETAXP.ZIP - 52,866 - This plugin is for DEC Alpha LightWave. It
replaces the 'Metamate.P' that shipped with LightWave version 5.0
NUMETAXP.readme - 365
PVALPHA.ZIP - 65,087 - *POWERVIEW* For LightWave 3D Version 4.0
SENTINEL.ZIP - 533,075 - Sentinel Drivers Version 5.14 for all Sentinel
system drivers. See the appropriate section for the procedure about the
driver that you are installing. - 74,490 - Surface Blur Plugin (Alpha version only)
axp50a2b.readme - 5,707 - Instructions for applying the update 50a2b - 6,359,107 - The complete 5.0 Rev A to B upgrade is in
two parts: AXPLWPLG.ZIP and AXPMDPLG.ZIP - 3,968,331 - This upgrades Lightwave 5.0 revision K to
5.0 revision Z NEW
ax50k2z5.txt - 2,439 - Instructions for upgrading from 5.0 revision
K to 5.0 revision Z NEW - 3,968,331 - This upgrades Lightwave 5.0 revision M to
5.0 revision Z NEW
ax50m2z5.txt - 2,439 - Instructions for upgrading from 5.0 revision
M to 5.0 revision Z NEW - 1,734,255 - 5.0 B version of plugins for Alpha Lightwave - 1,922,456 - 5.0 B version of plugins for Alpha Modeler
axpparnt.txt - 262 - 56,832 - Parent.P & LWPanels.P Replacement for 5.0
Alpha Version.
ntaviaxp.txt - 2,436 - Explanation of usage for nt_avi plugin - 47,505 - Replaces Alpha versions LW 4.x to 5.x nt_avi
plugin Provided by: NewTek (via Ernie Wright) - 144,330 - Layout converter (plugin) for saving scenes
in VRML 2.0 format.
AmiHIIPv2.lha - 115,414 - HIIP PLugins for Amiga Lightwave version
LWSwap.lha - 17,556 - Gives you the ability to swap between Amiga Lightwave
3.1 and 3.5
amimod4.lha -148,491 - Modeler 4.0 Patch
mod35pch.lha -93,420 - Amiga Modeler 3.5 Patch
LWStart - 2,068 - Fix for the LW-Start in the 4.1B Flyer Software
rexxapp.library - 1,568 - Required For Amiga 4.0 Standalone Version
(CD does not contain)
amipanel.lha - 53,075 - New LWPanels.p for the Amiga version of Lightwave
5.0. If you run into problems with 'unable to activate global LWPanels
amipanel.txt - 412 - Instructions and explaination of amipanel.lha
APTCHD1.ZIP - 800,950 - NewTek Patch Files For LightWave 3D 4.0 Intel
CD Rev A patched to Intel Rev C
APTCHD2.ZIP - 1,024,937 - NewTek Patch Files For LightWave 3D 4.0 Intel
CD Rev A patched to Intel Rev C
BPTCHD1.ZIP - 798,839 - NewTek Patch Files For LightWave 3D 4.0 Intel
CD Rev B patched to Intel Rev C
BPTCHD2.ZIP - 1,022,914 - NewTek Patch Files For LightWave 3D 4.0 Intel
CD Rev B patched to Intel Rev C
FLICSAVE.ZIP - 30,292 - NEWTEK FLIC SAVER PLUG IN This Plug-in is for
Intel LightWave version 4.0
FLICSAVE.readme - 953 - Explanation of FLIC SAVER PLUG IN and installation
INFLY.ZIP - 86,614 - Contains both IFF2Clip and FlyerClip Plugins (Intel
Lightwave versions 4.0 and 5.0)
INTELA.ZIP - 1,825,866 - Updates Lightwave Version 4.0A to Version
INTELB.ZIP - 1,821,731 - Updates Lightwave Version 4.0B to Version
MD40CPTC.ZIP - 350,459 - 4.00 (REV. C) version of Modeler will be updated
to version 4.00D.
MD40CPTC.readme - 310
plugin fixes the 'save/reload scene' bug with the 5.0 release of Metamation.
NUMETAPC.readme - 277
NUMETAXP.ZIP - 52,866 - This plugin is for DEC Alpha LightWave version
5.0 only. It fixes the scene save/reload bug that would cause Metamation
settings to become corrupt.
NUMETAXP.readme - 365
NUMOTION.ZIP - 49,101 - Motion Plugin
NUPCLWPI.ZIP - 886,116 - Lightwave Plugins
NUPCMDPI.ZIP - 865,903 - Modeler Plugins
PATCHDOC.TXT - 4,700 - Instructions for updating Lightwave 4.0 (A to
C or B to C)
POINTER.DLL - 29,984 - Fixes Lightwave 4.0 Growstub error
PVINTEL.ZIP - 27,627 - *POWERVIEW* For LightWave 3D Version 4.0
iflyrclp.readme - 2,142 - Instructions to applying iflyrclp
IFLYRCLP.ZIP - 83,938 - LightWave Flyer Clip Saver Plugin for Intel
LightWave versions 4.0 and 5.0
ntavix86.txt - 2,436 - Explanation of usage for nt_avi plugin. - 19,589 - Replaces Intel versions LW 4.x to 5.x nt_avi
plugin Provided by: NewTek (via Ernie Wright) - 53,610 - Intel LightWave 4.0 and 5.0 VRML Plug-In (For
Intel Versions only!) This new VRML Saver Plugin is an upgrade to the VRML
saver plugin that shipped with 4.0 and 5.0 Rev's B&C.
patchdoc.txt - 4,700
pc50b2c.txt - 5,717 - LW 5.0 B to C upgrade instructions. - 3,595,397 - The complete 5.0 Rev b to c upgrade - 28,528 - Surface Blur Plugin
pcparent.txt - 262 - 108,538 - Parent.P will give the user more Parent Bone
options than the original plugin that shipped with Rev. A&B CD's. - 78,830 - Layout converter (plugin) for saving scenes
in Vrml 2.0 format.
wn95sent.txt - 1,669 - Sentinnel driver installation instructions for - 66,445 - Only if you experience random LightWave startup
failures should you install the Win95 driver. Run 'SentW95.exe' - 2,489,840 - This upgraded Lightwave 5.0 revision K to
5.0 revision Z NEW
pc50k2z5.txt - 2,439 - Instructions for upgrading from 5.0 revision
K to 5.0 revision Z NEW - 2,438,790 - This upgraded Lightwave 5.0 revision M to
5.0 revision Z NEW
pc50m2z5.txt - 2,439 - Instructions for upgrading from 5.0 revision
M to 5.0 revision Z NEW
Mac Install - Macintosh Lightwave install document
MaDSPlugs.hqx - 27,263 - EPS font support plugin for Mac LW.
!MCVRML2.SEA - 102,419 - Layout converter (plugin) for saving scenes
in VRML 2.0 format.
MacZ5c.hqx - 2,945,065 - Lightwave 5.0 upgrade NEW
retrocg.lha - 325,625 - This replica supplies no new features to the
current 3.x version of CG; rather, the program now uses the 4.x versions
of font-recognizability specific libraries (namely, the post.library and
the psnf.library).
retrocg.txt - 1,283
vta - 11,286 - Fixes bug using a 2.0 Toaster card with 3.1 Version
of Toaster software (Needs to be used along with VTI)
vti - 1,1286 - Fixes bug using a 2.0 Toaster card with 3.1 Version
of Toaster software (Needs to be used along with VTA)