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The Fourth Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS)

September 25-28

Omni Inner Harbour Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

The key topics for ADASS IV are Astronomical Data Modeling and Analysis, Design and Development of Graphical User Interfaces, Network Information Systems, and Parallel and Distributed Processing. The invited speakers are Bob Brown (STScI), Joan Centrella (Drexel University), Christine Falsetti (NASA Science Internet), Andrea Ghez (UCLA), Graham Hill (DAO/HIA/NRC), Doug Tody (NOAO), Juri Toomre (University of Colorado -tentative), Don Schneider (Institute for Advanced Study, Penn State -tentative), Jean-Luc Starck (Observatory of Nice), and David Van Buren (IPAC).

Four rooms have been reserved for birds-of-a-feather sessions on Monday evening, September 26th. Anyone wishing to sponsor a BOF should contact the conference organizers at softconf@stsci.edu. There will be an all day meeting on Thursday, September 29th at the hotel on the topic of electronic preprint preparation and distribution systems. All ADASS registrants are welcome to participate, although a small registration fee ($25) will be required.

The early registration and abstract deadline is July 15th with fees of $95 and $40 respectively. After July 15th the registration fee will increase to $135. If you would like to register and/or submit an abstract electronically, you will find the necessary information on the World Wide Web (http://ra.stsci.edu/ADASS.html). Also, the registration form may be obtained via anonymous ftp from ra.stsci.edu in either ASCII or Postscript form from pub/adass. The directory pub/adass/abstracts contains information and the appropriate LaTeX files for abstract submission. Any questions should be directed to softconf@stsci.edu, registrations should be addressed to adass- reg@stsci.edu, and abstracts should be sent to adass4_editors@stsci.edu.

Please note the following corrections to the preliminary program. For the proceedings contributed papers are restricted to four pages in length (not three) and invited papers are limited to ten pages. Also, the space for poster presentations is limited to 2.5 feet in width by four feet in length.

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Please e-mail any suggestions/comments to Jack Penfold (jpenfold@mtroyal.ab.ca)