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Space VLBI User Assistance Software

DRAFT Mon Oct 17 12:27:05 MDT 1994

Space VLBI User Assistance Software


I. Fejes, D.W. Murphy, A.R. Taylor, V. Yakimov, G. Young

FÖMI Satellite Geodetic Observatory, Penc, Hungary
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA,
Deparetment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Astro Space Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia


Space VLBI is inherently more complicated than ground based VLBI. This is due to the addition of an orbiting radio telescope to the network of ground radio telescopes, which requires a complicated scheme of tracking, telemetry and control operations and has observational limitations due to the orbit geometry and satellite constraints. Software to assist the space VLBI user in preparation of observing proposals have emerged from 4 different groups. This paper reviews the requirements, characteristics and current status of each of these software packages. Results of intercomparisons are presented along with recommendations and an outlook of future developments.

Glen Young
E-mail:young@bear.ras.ucalgary.ca Mon Oct 17 12:26:41 MDT 1994

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