(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
System Integration with a Persistent Polymorphic Glue Language
Florian Matthes (1/92-12/95),
Gerald Schröder (10/93-10/96)
Systematic use of the Tycoon language TL as a glue language to add
value to existing services encapsulated as polymorphically-typed libraries.
Work Items
- 9/91-4/92, Sven Müßig, Folker Kirch), [KiMu92]
- Tycoon library to access Sun's NeWS GUI library
- 11/91-11/92, Claudia Niederee,
- Generic services for data-intensive applications: iteration
abstraction, integrity checking, recovery
- 9/92-4/93, Marcel Kornacker,
- A polymorphically-typed gateway from Tycoon to Ingres SQL
- 3/93-4/93, Marcel Kornacker,
- Unified gateway to Ingres and Oracle SQL databases
- 3/93-11/93, Björn Lotter, Thorsten Römer, [LoRo93]
- A polymorphic dictionary of arbitrary dimensions
- 3/93-3/94, Dominic Juhasz, [Juha94]
- Implementation of list comprehensions in Tycoon
- 5/93-8/93 Andreas Geisler,
[##Manual] [01-94-Geis-O]
- A C++ gateway generator for typed access from Tycoon to C++ and vice
versa including subclassing of C++ virtual functions by Tycoon functions
- 7/93-7/94, Sven Müßig, [Mues94]
- Editor library for type-safe generic data visualization
- 8/93-1/94 Andreas Geisler,
- Use of the C++ gateway generator for the StarView GUI library.
StarView provides a uniform programming interface across multiple
(Mac, Windows, Motif and OpenLook) platforms while preserving the
look and feel of the host systems.
- 7/94-9/94, Sven Müßig, [MMS94]
- Compilation of a Tycoon programmer's guide
- 6/94-7/94, Ulrike Steffens,
- Compilation of Tycoon programming exercises with solutions
- 8/94-10/94, Andreas Geisler,
- Feasability study: compilation of existing interface definition
languages (IDL) for distributed programming into Tycoon interfaces
- 8/94-2/95, Ilona Hachmann,
- Documentation of StarView library and StarView/Tycoon gateway,
development of sample applications
- 10/94-2/95, Hubertus Köhler,
- Editor library port to use StarView functionality
- 3/95-4/95, Hubertus Köhler,
- StarView implementation on Apple Macintosh and Power Macintosh
- 4/94-6/95, Tanja Jung, [Info]
[##Style Guide]
- Revision of the Tycoon standard libraries based on the experience
with Eiffel, C++, Modula-3 and Smalltalk libraries; definition of style
guides for libraries and interfaces
- 4/95-7/95, Ulrike Steffens, ,
- Gateway from Tycoon to an information retrieval engine, INQUERY,
University of Massachussetts
- 4/94-7/95, Ilona Hachmann,
- Overview of visualization alternatives using TL and StarView
- 4/94-9/95, Oliver Nietsch,
- Gateway between StP repository and Tycoon
- Integrated Tycoon demo (Rainer) ##
Florian Matthes, (21-mar-95). Your feedback is welcome.