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European Railways information - the MERCURIO server

The Railways Home Page on MERCURIO

Welcome to the MERCURIO Server!

If you have additions to the lists or liveries on this site please contact one of us. The maintainer of the train lists is Marco van Uden, of the liveries Tobias Köhler. For questions about the Railways in a specific country you can also contact one of the Railway Fans who keep the information on this site up-to-date.

Last update of this page took place on january 03, 1995 by MAvU

Main projects on this server:

Railway Liveries/Paint Schemes (in colour):

Liveries for ABB/SLM Locomotive 2000:

Timetables of some European Railways:

Dutch Railway Timetables and Information
Belgian Railway Timetables (by Twan Laan)
German Railway Timetables (by Fred Ramm, also lots of foreign connections)
Austrian Railway Timetables (only 5 lines - very difficult to connect)
Danish Railway information (by Jürgen Gräfenstein)
Norwegian Railway Timetables
Swedish Railway Timetables (by Roland Bol)
Finnish Railway Timetables
Czechian Railway Information (by Dan Zeman)
Eurostar Information and Timetables (by Erik Evrard)

Miscellaneous European Railway information:

More WWW on Railways:

European Railway Fans

If you have questions concerning the Railways of one of the following countries, please contact the local Railway Fan(s) listed.
Andreas Pavlik
Email: pavlik@pap.univie.ac.at

Patrick Ingelaere
Kazernelaan 4
B-2550 Kontich
Email: as.ingelaere.p@alpha.ufsia.ac.be (home: 74553.2447@compuserve.com)

Erik Evrard
Vijversdreef 44
B-1630 Linkebeek
Email: evrard@hep.iihe.ac.be

Carsten S. Lundsten
Paukevej 18
DK-2730 Herlev
Email: csl@dksin.dk

Nick Sandru
Sysop, SanDES RailBBS
Hoje Topholm 37
DK-3390 Hundested
Email: ns@sandes.dk

Christophe Bonnet
Email: christophe.bonnet@irisa.fr

Sven Manias
Rintheimer Strasse 32
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Email: sven.manias@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de

Tobias Köhler
Leopoldstrasse 32
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Email: s_tbk@ira.uka.de

Gerasimos Maniatis
Email: b94-3339@amalia.ee.upatras.gr

Jonathan Kidd
Email: kiddj@netc.ie

Massimo Macucci
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Universita' di Pisa
Via Diotisalvi, 2
I-56126 Pisa
Email: macucci@pimic.iet.unipi.it

Marco van Uden
Hoveniersweg 74
NL-4001 HW Tiel
Email: marco@nikhefk.nikhef.nl

Twan Laan
Zevensprong 36
NL-5683 KR Best
Email: laan@win.tue.nl

Terje Knudsen
Email: terjek@ifi.uio.no

Michal Jankowski
Email: michal.jankowski@fuw.edu.pl

Antonio Julio Raposo
Email: ajr@virgo.inesc.pt

Lino O. Santos
Email: ls49+@andrew.cmu.edu

Urban Fredriksson
Email: urf@icl.se

Marcel Marchon
P.O.Box 336
CH-4503 Solothurn
Email: marcel.marchon@iwi.unisg.ch

Matthew Simmonds
Email: ce3098@bristol.ac.uk

Tim Bourne
Email: tbourne@siam.win-uk.net

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Marco van Uden - marco@nikhefk.nikhef.nl