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MBONE Information

For the Novice

MBONE stands for Multicast Backbone. The general idea is that live video and audio signals can be received over the Internet. The MBONE is not separate from the Internet, rather it is a collection of Internet sites with powerful workstations which make use of a particular protocol and routing sytem. It is a cooperative virtual network, whose participants share information about their experiments.

If You're Serious

Check out the MBONE Web Page to learn everything there is to know about the MBONE. Currently we are experimenting with different ways to do our MBONE broadcast. If you have any information that you see being helpful to us, feel free to let us know via the feedback form, or email to webmaster@stones.com

Here's what you do: get access to a Sun SPARCstation (or other suitable computer) and a fat connection to the Internet and MBONE, install sd, vat and nv (aka nvbin). Tune in and invite other people to watch too. Register or watch for announcements of multicast viewing parties around the world and tune in!

If you don't plan on configuring your own equipment, watch this space for a list of corporations and universities which want to host a Rolling Stones Connected to the MBONE viewing party.

If you are a CU-See-Me reflector maintainer who has a reflector on the MBONE, go to the Reflector Admins Only! area about getting help tuning your reflector into the Stones multicast.