(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Royal Tyrrell Museum Map
(Part 1)
Welcome to a virtual tour of the museum!
Our virtual tour takes you through the Museum. At the top and
bottom of each page, you will find the following four icons. Use
them to select your path through the museum.
moves you
to the next location.
moves you
to the previous location.
returns you
to the map of the museum.
returns you
to the Museum's home page.
takes you on
a side trip for more detailed or related information on the current exhibit.
returns you
to your place in the tour from a side trip.
This is an interactive map - select an area of the museum and
you'll be taken to the relevant location. Or, you can browse through
the sequential list of museum locations below.
This is the first of two maps of the museum.
You may move directly to the second
map now if you wish.
If your browser can't handle imagemaps, you can browse through
the sequential list of museum locations below.
- Entry Hall
- Information Desk
- Programme Desk
- Earth Exhibit
- Temporary Exhibit
- NOVA Room
- Science Hall
- Introducing Fossils
- Palaeontology
- The Lake Wapiti Window
- Window to Preparation Lab
- Time Scale
- Continental Drift
- Sedimentary Rock
- Evolution
- First Life
- Trilobites
- Early Plants
- Evolution of Fish
- Devonian Reef
- Insects
- Crinoids
- Age of Reptiles
- Palaeoconservatory
- Ichthyosaurs
- The Origin of Dinosaurs
- Dinosaur Hall
- Camarasaurus
- Allosaurus
- Camptosaurus
- Ornitholestes
- Gryposaurus
- Stegosaurus
- Euoplocephalus
- Chasmosaurus
- Ceratopsians
- Parasaurolophus
- Struthiomimus
- Albertosaurus
- Edmontonia
- Pachycephalosaur
- Stegoceras
- Basilemys
- Brachylophosaurus
- Lambeosaurus
- Baby Maiasaurs
- Centrosaurus
- Ornithomimus
- Dromaeosaurus
- Prosaurolophus
- Centrosaurus Bone Bed
- Champsosaur
- Kritosaurus
- "Clemmys" Backmani
- Corythosaurus
- Bearpaw Sea
- Dromiceiomimus
- Hypacrosaurus Nest
- Duckbills
- Hypacrosaurus
- Edmontosaurus
- Tyrannosaurus rex
- Pachyrhinosaurus
- Ankylosaurus
- Montanoceratops sp.
- Triceratops
- Anatotitan
- Extinction
- Aquaria
- Age of Mammals
- Ice Ages
- The Human Journey
- Museum Gift Shop
- Auditorium
- Cafeteria
This document was prepared by Wayne Hortensius, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada for the Royal Tyrrell Museum Cooperating Society. All
information © 1995 Royal Tyrrell Museum. All Rights
Updated: July 18, 1995
Comments, questions,