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Daimler-Benz Aerospace

Space Systems Group

ERS-1 and ERS-2

4,205 Employees
DM 1.354 bn. Turnover

The Space Systems Group with its product areas of Space Infrastructure and Satellite Systems, is regarded as being the lead company for Europe's Orbital program and its operation and utilisation. It is a competent and equal partner for the development and operation of new space transport systems, it is a strong European-managed company for satellite systems as well as being a pacemaker for selected, key technologies. In addition, strategic alliances have been forged with the leading space companies in Europe as well as with selected transatlantic partners.

The key business of the group comprises among other projects the participation in European and other international space programs. The Space Systems Group is acting as system leader in many of these programmes, e.g. the COF program (Columbus Orbital Facility), which is a manned space module to be attached to a planned international space station; the first free-flying and retrievable research platform, Eureca; the X-ray satellite Rosat; the sun probe Ulysses and the remote-sensing earth satellites ERS-1 and ERS-2.

With its participation in the national and international communication satellite programs (e.g. DFS 3 Kopernikus, Eutelsat, Turksat, Intelsat) and satellite operating companies, Dasa succeeded in gaining access to this important segment of the market. In this connect, three projects should be emphasized particularly. Firstly, the Romantis GmbH (Bonn), a company founded by Dasa with Deutsche Telecom and with the ANT-Nachrichtentechnik GmbH. This company offers satellite-based communication systems to Eastern Europe and the CIS countries. Secondly, the private commercial satellite communication system Nahuel, established by an international consortium under the system leadership of Dasa to provide an efficient satellite telecommunication infrastructure in the KU-band range to Argentina and to other South American countries. The entry into the commercial satellite operator business is an important step for Dasa. Thirdly, the global personal telecommunication system Globalstar. Customers of Globalstar will be able to telephone or transmit data around the world by using a pocket-size telephone from 1998 on. The system consists of 48 satellites, positioned in low earth orbits. Dasa is not only a share-holder but participates in the project as a constructor and operator.

In the field of conventional and future space transportation systems, Dasa is playing a leading role in the Ariane 4 and 5 launcher business and the development of follow-on systems. In addition, Dasa is developing new technologies for retrievable, manned European space transportation systems for the near and distant future.

To the other Dasa business areas:

  • Aircraft
  • Defense and Civil Systems
  • Propulsion Systems

  • ©1995 Daimler-Benz