From: MV Solo
Date: MON 27-FEB-95 07:22:37 GMT -- Day 5
The radioactive waste ship Pacific Pintail sped up during the night and is now sailing at a speed of almost 14 knots on a course of 213 degrees. Our vessel Solo is still following on a safe distance of 3 miles. Because of our increased speed, we will reach and enter the 200 mile Portuguese EEZ around Madeira around 1600 GMT today.
The weather conditions have improved and only the large swell coming from behind reminds us of the bad weather of the past days.
The Portuguese warship (Frigate F 489) the "Oliveira E Carmo", which joined us early yesterday morning, is still with us.
We intend to send out a statement this morning about the scuttling of the ship "Sao Miguel", on which occasion some 80 boxes with ammunition were lost at sea. At 0930 GMT the Pacific Pintail at its current course and speed will come within 140 miles northeast of the site were the boxes were lost.
Best wishes from the Solo,
Bas Bruyne
From: MV Solo
Date: MON 27-FEB-95 20:24:09 GMT -- Day 5
Solo's position at 1900 GMT was 36 degrees and 05 minutes North and 17 degrees and 59 minutes West. The Pacific Pintail entered the Portugese Economic Exclusion Zone 200 miles North of Madeira at 1930 GMT this evening. The Pintail is continuing its course of 213 degrees at a speed of 14 knots and will remain in the EEZ around Madeira for approximately the next 20 hours.
Upon entering the Portugese EEZ around Madeira at 1930 GMT, the Potugese Frigate "Oliveira E Carmo" contacted the Pacific Pintail, notified them that they had entered the Portugese EEZ and requested the Pacific Pintail to stay at least 100 miles away from Madeira. The Pacific Pintail confirmed and replied that her current course would not bring her closer than 120 miles from Madeira.
At the end of the conversation the Captain of the "Oliveira E Carmo" asked the Pacific Pintail what route she would take -- if she would take the South Africa route or the South America route. The Pacific Pintail replied that SHE DID NOT KNOW YET.
We then called the "Oliveira E Carmo" and asked if she would remain as escort until the Pacific Pintail would leave the EEZ around Madeira, to which the Oliveira E Carmo replied that she would stay until further notice.
Our calculations indicate that the Pintail will leave the EEZ around Madeira around 1500 GMT tomorrow, and we believe that also around that time the "Oliveira E Carmo" will leave the escort. At the time we leave Madeira's 200 mile EEZ, we will be some 300 miles northwest of the Spainish Canary Islands.
The weather conditions have continued to improve under a clear to slightly overcast sky.
Best wishes from the Solo,
Bas Bruyne