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IXI on the World-Wide Web

As you may realise if you've visited IXI's Web Server before, we've had a spring-clean! We hope you like the new look.

IXI is committed to the World-Wide Web -- we're members of the W3 Consortium.

We're the market leader in Motif-based software. That's not to say we're anti-PC -- in fact, we're Windows Friendly. With our new colleagues at Visionware (see the February 27 Press Release if you haven't heard the news) we aim to further integrate the UNIX and Windows worlds.

We'll keep this server updated with all our latest news and product information.

Naturally, we'd value your opinions and suggestions on how we can improve our service. Please mail them to webmaster@x.co.uk. If you're using a suitable browser, you can also tell us what you think by filling in a form.

Please bear in mind that some of our pages may be unavailable or under construction at various times.
