(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
- #macintosh - IRC Channel - channel to foster the discussion of the Macintosh platform and topics related to it.
- Andrew's Macintosh Page
- Apple Computer@ (40)
- Brian's Repository of Macintosh Information
- Buying and Selling Macintosh Computers, Software and Peripherals
- CafeMac - The culture, politics, art, and science of Macintosh.
- Clock Chipping - information on crystal oscillator swapping/acceleration for Macs
- Conferences (3)
- Hawaii Online Mac Support Page
- HENSA/micros Macintosh Section
- Info-mac Digests
- Jourvian Group - free internet software for the Macintosh and Mac OS. They are the creators of MIND package, a Macintosh version of the BIND DNS name server.
- Mac Internet Applications
- Mac Street Price Index - Summarizes selling Prices of Apple CPUs and printers from authorized dealers, mail order catalogs, and gray market sellers. Updated biweekly.
- Macintosh Educators Page
- Macintosh Index
- Magazines (13)
- Persephone - some mac related stuff (macgzip, sounds, movies, etc.)
- Power Macintosh (6)
- Powerbook Army (2)
- Programming (17)
- Rob's MacPage
- Robert Lentz's Macintosh Resources
- Software@ (56)
- The Macintosh Directory - A complete list (or close to) of Macintosh Internet resources. Being updated weekly.
- The Well Connected Mac - Internet resources for Macintosh
- Tidbits (3)
- Trivia (1)
- User Groups (42)
- ZiffNet/Mac - also known as ZMac, is an online publishing division of Ziff Communications. It provides an online connection to MacUser and MacWEEK
- FAQ - Macintosh FAQs
- FAQ - Macintosh List
- Indices (10)
- Usenet (24)
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