The UV Tracks

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The UV Tracks

After choosing the solve option, the program will proceed to calculate - tracks for ground-ground and ground-space baselines and display them in the graphics box at upper right on the screen. Unless specified otherwise using the `m' key, the maximum scale will be set by the apogee distance of the orbit. Upon completion of the coverage plot, the program returns to the command entry level. The user may change parameters and generate new - coverage plots, or examine some of the additional screens that are now available. If the appropriate option has been set in the uvplot.par file (see section 8.1) an output file uvplot.dat will have been written, containing a summary of observing parameters and the () coordinates of each baseline as a function of time, as well as an altitude versus time data file, radius.dat. A detailed description of the contents of uvplot.dat and radius.dat is given in Section 5.8.1.

Glen Young
Thu May 18 15:05:17 MDT 1995