Markus Kruse

Welcome to my home page and especially for looking at all the artwork out there. I think that it is of utmost importance that the arts enter the Internet as much as other scientific projects, even though I surely prefer the arts. You can select some options and enjoy he other resources that I have either found or created for the world wide community.

If you would like to send me some mail or give me some suggestions mail to mkruse@cgrg.ohio-state.eduif your WWW browser supports this.

Resources Found or Created

Personal Stuff

  • My ResumeIn case you have an opening and you would like to hire me.
  • My favourite automobileThe best and only one I drive unless the roads are intoxicated with salt, again.
  • Prize Question If you know where this is I will send you a free poster from the Lichtenstein Show......hint: a spot from my vacation this summer that was pretty far north......!

    Weather Reports, For Windsurfers

    In case you are interested in what the latest weather reports for the Columbus, Ohio area are: Columbus Area Forecast Dayton Area Forecast Lake Erie Marine Forecast

    The weathermap here is automatically uploaded every hour at 20 minutes past the hour if the image is available.

    created by Markus Kruse, last modified March 07, 1994.
    The Ohio State University at Newark Art Gallery
    1179 University Drive
    Newark, Ohio 43055
    telephone: (614) 366-9369
    telephone: (614) 292-4094 ext. 369
    fax: (614) 366-5047