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If you would like to see a short movie of parts of the interior of the gallery click here:Gallery MovieThe movie is in mpg format and played on the IBM, SGI and SUN.

The Ohio State University at Newark, Art Gallery has been established since 1968. The gallery finally moved to its present location in Le Fevre Hall in 1994. The space has been increased 10 fold and is suitable for exhibiting all forms of art. The Art Gallery is excited to make its exhibitions available to a world wide community by committing itself to exhibiting local, national and international artists of all statures. By making the space available to all types of art, The Art Gallery hopes to further the arts and art education in Licking County, Ohio as well as in the national and international arena.

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Exhibitions at the Art Gallery

Other Resources

  • World Wide Arts Resources--Over 400 resources, Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions, Commercial Ventures, Publications, Academic resources, and other interesting points on the Internet via WWW.
  • The Ohio State University, Main Campus, Art Department
  • Markus Kruse Home Page

    The Ohio State University at Newark, Art Gallery permits the viewer to view all works exhibited here for personal, educational, and research puposes only. It strictly forbids the sale, reproduction or inclusion of any works in any commercial or non commercial ventures. This policy includes all standards of copyright laws.

    Last modified June 5, 1995 Markus Kruse: Copyright: The Ohio State University at Newark, Art Gallery.