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debis Systemhaus


Software Projects and Products

Information Systems Management

debis Systemhaus offers its clients solutions for every individual area of information technology. The portfolio of service building blocks ranges in this context from consulting to software projects and products, training up to information systems management (computer and communications services). The various service building blocks can be freely combined to make complete business solutions to meet customer requirements.

The activities of debis Systemhaus are concentrated in Market Development Units in which the know-how of IT specialists plus the advisory expertise of sector specialists have been combined.

The whole range of services is delivered on a sector-specific basis via the sector centres. Comprehensive, total solutions give the client all the necessary freedom to concentrate his resources on the core business. For example, using the Applications Management service building block, debis Systemhaus assumes responsibility on behalf of the customer for maintenance, upkeep and further development of application systems. With Business Transformation Services, debis Systemhaus, plans, implements and operates the IT solution for the customer, with full responsibility, as for example applies when a new factory is being installed.

Since its inception in 1990, debis Systemhaus has developed into one of the largest, manufacturer-independent IT-service companies in information technology, with sales of almost 1.8 billion DM (1994) and approx. 6,215 employees. It is a member of the Daimler-Benz InterServices (debis) AG and simultaneously a strategic partner of Cap Gemini Sogeti (Paris), Europe's largest software company.

To the other divisions:

  • Financial Services
  • Insurance
  • Trading
  • Marketing Services
  • Mobile Communication Services
  • Real Estate Management

  • © 1995 Daimler-Benz