Welcome to GMD Darmstadt

GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology

- is a state funded institution with its headquarters in Sankt Augustin (near Bonn) and other sites in Berlin and Darmstadt [city info]. Two (out of eight) GMD institutes and three further GMD units are placed in Darmstadt: (maps: the 3 GMD locations in Germany| GMD Darmstadt: its two sites):

GMD Darmstadt provides a current WWW information service in two versions:

Also: our WWW service cooperations; our Announcements of conferences, congresses etc.
Our WWW recommendations: suppliers with info/offers relating our domains.
We suggest: try out some of the netwide operating Search engines.
Other scientific-technical WWW suppliers in Darmstadt.
For general info/contacts please use our e-mail form: mipp@darmstadt.gmd.de.
Modified last: 1995-06-01 by Gert Paschke