IUMA Member Sign In

Privacy Information
By signing in you will incur no costs or obligations, nor calls from vaccum cleaner salespeople. By joining, we can better serve you, offering user-definable preferences and enhanced interactive services on IUMA.

If you have already signed in successfully, there is no need to do so again! Simply select the "Bitblasting Color" link from our front page instead of the "New Users Sign-In" link. To save you that bothersome task of backtracking, here is a link to our Bitblasting Color home page.

Privacy Assured
Although we need your email address to confirm the uniqueness of every member, we would rather be torn apart by frothing hyenas than give your email address to anyone outside of IUMA. We practice safe-surf.

If you have questions or need help regarding Sign-In, please send mail to support@iuma.com or call us (408) 426-4862 during normal computer geek and garage band hours (e.g. all day, all night).


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