Ugly Mugs

Ugly Mugs

Arbeit Macht Frei
[AU Excerpt] [MPEG Mono Excerpt] [MPEG Mono] [MPEG Stereo]

(Excerpt 120k, 119k / Full song 4 mins, 2.83M, 3.78M)

Weird, Experimental, Punk, College/Indie/Lo-Fi, Hard Rock
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Originating in Valencia, CA and now located in Santa Cruz, CA, the Ugly Mugs have been around unnoticeably for about six years. Now, finally, they've become motivated enough to make a demo tape.

"Arbeit Macht Frei" represents the sound of the Mugs as well as any song possibly could. Their music stems from such influences as the Residents, Frank Zappa, Butthole Surfers, Iron Maiden, Spike Jones, and Renaldo & the Loaf. Not content with making music they know others will like, they've been doomed to obscurity until now.

The Ugly Mugs are:

Here are some more pics if you are interested...

and plus, the Surprise Mystery Pic!

Their favorite farm animal is the mushroom.

To contact the Mugs, write to:

For a copy of their demo "Happy.", send $4 to the above address.(This charge is to cover shipping & handling, if you live really far away,please send more if you will.) :)

To be on their mailing list, send mail to '' with the subject: "Join Ugly Mugs List"

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