The Raven's Logo

`Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door --
Only this, and nothing more.'
Edgar Allan Poe

blue line

red ballService is (and will remain) work in progress, but it may get you through the night.

The collection of this international section of iX's 3W server attends to several topics. First, there is the opportunity to expose oneself to words & belles lettres. Secondly, an admittedly slowly growing bunch of universities and research institutes plus some organizational & governmental servers. Anyone looking furtively for programming pointers shall find yet another menue. Not to neglect those in search of Web advice.

MAP to more specific realms, try above pointers

iX-Logo home page Heise Verlag home page of Verlag Heinz Heise

blue line

Graphics: Dietmar Jokisch
Last update: April 21, 1995.
Please send {complaints, suggestions, indignant outcries} to raven's webmaster