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Silicon Graphics

Trademark Information

Welcome to the Silicon Graphics Trademark Information Web page! Please bear with us while this site is under construction.

Here you can find lists of selected trademarks of Silicon Graphics and its related companies, and information about how to use and attribute these trademarks properly.

Proper Use of Our Trademarks

Trademark lists

Questions? Comments?

Proper Use of Silicon Graphics Trademarks

Silicon Graphics' trademarks are the principal means by which we identify ourself, our products and activities to the public, and by which the public, in turn, has come to recognize our company.

Silicon Graphics' great success is due in part to the favorable recognition we have achieved under our company name, and product trademarks such as IRIS®, Indigo®, MIPS®, OpenGL®, CHALLENGE®, Onyx(TM), IRIX(TM) and WebFORCE(TM).

You may refer to our trademarks properly as outlined herein to refer accurately to our products and services.

You may not, however, use our logos and design trademarks (as opposed to our trademarks that consist solely of words) without our prior written authorization.

In addition, you may not use our trademarks:

Please follow these guidelines when using our trademarks.

Proper Notice

Please use the appropriate trademark notice (®, (TM) or (SM)) with our trademarks.

® indicates a trademark registered in the United States
(TM) indicates a trademark that is not registered in the United States
(SM) indicates a service mark that is not registered in the United States

The appropriate notice for each of our trademarks is indicated in the trademark list below. If you are uncertain which notice to use with our trademarks, please contact us.

Wherever possible, the trademark notice should appear in superscript and without parenthesis. Where such formatting is not available, however, place the appropriate letters in parenthesis next to the mark, as depicted in the trademark list below.

Proper Use

Our trademarks are adjectives (brand names) modifying nouns (the generic product type). Follow these guidelines in using our trademarks:

Please do not use our trademarks as nouns or verbs;
Please do not pluralize our trademarks;
Please do not hyphenate our trademarks;
Please keep our trademarks distinct from other text, images or material;
Please do not alter, edit, modify or combine our trademarks;
Please do not render our trademarks possessive through use of an apostrophe.
Please provide a proper trademark notice and attribution.

Proper Attribution

When you use our trademarks in any materials, please include a brief statement attributing these trademarks to us.

This attribution should identify each mark used, attribute it to its proper owner by name, and indicate whether the trademark is registered.

For example:

Silicon Graphics, Challenge, Indigo, and OpenGL are registered trademarks, and IRIX, Onyx, Silicon Studio and WebFORCE are trademarks, of Silicon Graphics, Inc. MIPS and R4000 are registered trademarks, and R4300, R4400 and the MIPS RISC Certified Power logo are trademarks, of MIPS Technologies, Inc.

Please note that the attribution need only identify our trademarks that you actually use in your material, and thus may vary from the above example.

Trademark List

The following are lists of selected trademarks of Silicon Graphics and its related companies.

Silicon Graphics, Inc.

The following are selected registered trademarks (®), trademarks((TM)) or service marks ((SM)) (as indicated) of Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Silicon Studio, Inc.

Please note that all trademarks and service marks identified with Silicon Graphics' wholly-owned subsidiary Silicon Studio, Inc. are trademarks and service marks of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and appear on the Silicon Graphics, Inc. trademark list above.

MIPS Technologies, Inc.

The following are selected trademarks or registered trademarks (as indicated) of MIPS Technologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Interactive Digital Solutions

The following are trademarks of Interactive Digital Solutions, a joint venture company of AT&T Network Systems and Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Trademark Notices

® indicates a trademark registered in the United States

(TM) indicates a trademark that is not registered in the United States

(SM) indicates a service mark that is not registered in the United States

** Extreme is a trademark used under license by Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Questions? Comments?


Ken Kwartler
Trademark Counsel
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
2011 North Shorline Boulevard
Mountain View, CA 94039
Telephone: (415) 390-3006
Fax: (415) 965-1586
Created using Silicon Graphics® WebMagic (TM) Author software and a Silicon Graphics® Indy(TM) workstation.
Copyright 1995 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Maintained by Last revised July 31, 1995.

We welcome feedback and comments at ">

Copyright © 1994, 1995 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Trademark Infomation