Horst Lührsen
CoAction is an acronym for High Speed Communication
Services for Distributed Data Administration in
Cooperative Engineering Applications.
Goals and Results
The CoAction project aims at the definition and development of dedicated group
communication services on a strong data management background. To set up the
right requirements list, a distributed sketching facility called
"CoDraft" was made operational. Group communication services
for group management, voting, and multicasting, have been
developed and implemented on Ethernet and IBM Token Ring.
IBM-ENC, Heidelberg
Project term
May 1991 - December 1993
More information
Communication Support for Cooperative Work
- This paper first puts up the requirements for group communication services.
Then, the services are described in full detail. This document can be regarded
as the very result of CoAction.
CoDraft: An object-based drafting tool on top of
group communication services
- Here, the focus is somewhat more on the distributed sketching tool CoDraft.
The paper accompanied CoDraft's demonstration at the 1993 GI Jahrestagung in
CoDraft - Eine verteilte Architektur zur Unterstützung von
Gruppenarbeit durch multimediale Objekte
- In this paper, the multi-media capabilities of CoDraft are elaborated.
Project members (IMMD VI)
Thomas Kirsche