The new Netscape millionaires prove
how much money is lying around on the
Web. Darn it, it's time for somebody
else to cash in, and what better way
than to claim that you invented the
whole kit and caboodle? According to
a press release from one Dr. Michael
Doyle and his Eolas Technologies, Dr.
Doyle "invented" a technology in 1993
called "Weblets," which sounds
suspiciously like HotJava's applets.
If Doyle's patent application is
granted, the folks at Sun who brought
us Java could owe this savvy
entrepreneur a tidy sum for
retroactive "licensing." Of course,
nobody can comment on the patent
filing itself, which remains secret -
all we have to go on is a press
from Eolas last week. At onepoint, the Eolas press release claims
that "also covered is the use of any
algorithm which implements dynamic
bi-directional communications between
Web browsers and external
applications." This little comment
and the rest of the release, of
course, elicited peals of virtual
laughter from the Web developers
community on its house organ, the
www-talk mailing list. "Shipping
around executable code has been part
of the plan for the Internet since
day one," one developer noted to us.
More peals of laughter could be heard
from those who listened to the
Internet-ignorant Dan Dorfman plug
the NASDAQ-traded stock of Camelot
Corporation last Thursday because of
its hot, hot new product, Digiphone.
Prior to Digiphone, it appears that
one of Camelot's most recent
corporate triumphs was to place a
subsidiary, Camelot Entertainment,
into chapter 7 bankruptcy. At least
one observer who knows about voice
applications for the Internet, Jeff
, saw the product failmiserably at two investor roadshow
appearances and for three days
straight at the most recent PC Expo
in New York. When Pulver queried the
Digiphone representatives at PC Expo,
they blamed their product's failures
on the Internet service provider at
the event. "What I found really
strange about that remark," Pulver
tells us, "is I was able to telnet
into my host without any problems the
entire show."
If Windows 95 doesn't turn out to have
quite the market reach as its $200
million advertising campaign, Bill
might be pointing his finger at the
engineers who managed to turn an
operating system that's almost as
good as the Mac OS into a big, fat
memory hog. We're told that at one
major consumer-products company an
upgrade won't be in the offing
anytime soon. Three-fourths of its
50,000 installed PCs lack the RAM
requirements for Win95. Can we have
some chips and a resale license,
By Ned Brainard
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