(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
ExPASy tools menu
Sequence analysis tools
The tools marked by
local to the ExPASy server. The remaining tools are pointers to other servers:
- Swiss-Shop
- a sequence alerting system for SWISS-PROT that allows you to automatically
obtain (by email) new sequence entries relevant to your field(s) of interest
- Swiss-Model
- an automated knowledge-based protein modelling server
- AACompIdent
- Identify a protein by its amino acid composition
- AACompSim
- Compare the amino acid composition of a SWISS-PROT entry with all
other entries
- GuessProt
- Get the SWISS-PROT proteins closest to a given pI and Mw.
- Compute pI/Mw
- Compute the theoretical pI and Mw from a SWISS-PROT entry or for a user
- DNA -> Protein
- Similarity searches
- BLAST - Interface to Basic Local Alignment Search Tool:
at NCBI - at EPFL
- EBI's ultra-fast protein database searches using MPsearch
- Bic
- Weizmann's ultra-fast rigorous (Smith/Waterman) similarity searches using the Bioccelerator
- Biological Sequence Comparative Analysis at U. North Carolina
- PropSearch
- Search for structural homologs using a 'properties' approach
- Pattern and profile searches
- ScanProsite
- Scan a sequence against PROSITE or a pattern against SWISS-PROT
- ProfileScan
- Scan a sequence against the profile entries in PROSITE
- Bipartite NLS Locator
- Detection of bipartite nuclear localization sequences
- Primary sequence analysis
- ProtParam
- Physico-chemical parameters of a protein sequence (composition, extinction coefficient, etc.)
- Statistical analysis of protein sequences
- Prediction of protein sorting signals and localization sites
- Signalp
- Prediction of the signal peptide cleavage sites
- NetOglyc
- Prediction of type O-glycosylation sites in mammalian proteins
- Coils
- Prediction of coiled coil regions in proteins
- Recognition of protein sequence repeats at EMBL
- Protein Colourer
- Tool for colouring your amino acid sequence
- RandSeq
- Random protein sequence generator
- Secondary structure prediction
- (ProteinPredict) EMBL / Heidelberg
- AntheProt
- Institute of Biology and Chemistry of Proteins (IBCP) / Lyon
- nnPredict
- University of California at San Francisco (UCSF)
- Baylor College of Medecine
- BioMolecular Engineering Research Center (BMERC) / Boston
- Garnier, Osgoodthorpe and Robson (GOR) secondary structure prediction method (at SBDS)
- Transmembrane regions detection
- TMpred
- Prediction of transmembrane regions and protein orientation at ISREC
- Transmembrane detection based on multiple sequence alignment at EMBL
- Alignment
- Do you really want to see the results?
Last modified 16/Feb/1996 by AB
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