(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
PageMaker 6.0 Technical Notes
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240099 (15 KB)
the PDF version of this document
Quick-scroll index - jump to a specific topic area:
110099 (9 KB) Request this document for a listing of documents that contain "system level" information about Adobe products on both Macintosh or Windows platforms.
316001 (3 KB)
- PageMaker 6.0 Features Not Supported in Windows 3.1
316301 (25 KB)
- Top Issues: Adobe PageMaker 6.0 for Windows
116101 (4 KB)
- Black PageMaker-drawn Objects Unexpectedly Overprint from PageMaker 6.0
116102 (7 KB)
- Alert "One or more objects in this publication may not print" from PageMaker
116103 (4 KB)
- Unable to Save PDF File to Specified Root Directory in PageMaker 6.0
116104 (4 KB)
- PDF Thumbnails Created for First Page of Each Publication in Book List in PageMaker 6.0
315128 (5 KB)
- Error "PROGMAN.EXE Caused a GPF in WINMM16.DLL at 0001:0296" Printing from PageMaker
316101 (95 pages / 6 KB)
- Metafile Graphics Print Small or Partially from PageMaker in Windows
316102 (4 KB)
- Unable to Print or Unexpected Output to LaserMaster Printer from PageMaker 5.0x or Later
316103 (10 KB)
- Error "You have printer and display fonts mismatched" Printing from PageMaker 6.0
116301 (3 KB)
- Undo Command Unavailable After Transforming Group Using Control Palette in PageMaker 6.0
116302 (5 KB)
- Tints Created in PageMaker 6.0 Become Solid After Saving in PageMaker 5.0 Format
116303 (4 KB)
- Master Page Objects Lost When Saving PageMaker 6.0 Publication in PageMaker 5.0 Format
116304 (7 KB)
- Saving PageMaker 6.0 Publications in PageMaker 5.0 Format General Information
116305 (7 KB)
- Diagnostic Recompose Feature Information
116306 (5 KB)
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Master Pages in PageMaker 6.0
116307 (4 KB)
- No "One Page" or "Two Page" Option Available in "Master Page Setup" Dialog Box in PageMaker 6.0
116308 (3 KB)
- Only Original Color Model Source Profiles Available After Changing Color Model in PageMaker 6.0
116309 (5 KB)
- Using Master Pages in PageMaker 6.0 General Information
116310 (5 KB)
- Incorrect TOC Page Numbers in PDF Files Created in PageMaker 6.0
116311 (4 KB)
- Error "Bad record index" or Graphic Links Missing in PageMaker 6.0
116313 (12 KB)
- Transferring PageMaker 5.0x and Later Publications Cross-Platform General Information
116320 (5 KB)
- Anchors and Hyperlinks Lost After Creating Anchor in PageMaker 6.0
116321 (4 KB)
- Hypertext Link Broken After Changing Text Containing Link in PageMaker 6.0
116322 (5 KB)
- Error "Invalid state for requested operation" When Running Build Booklet in PageMaker 6.0
216307 (3 KB)
- Objects Grouped in PageMaker 5.0x Cannot Be Ungrouped in PageMaker 6.0
216309 (4 KB)
- Black text 24 points and larger knocks out from PageMaker 6.0
216313 (7 KB)
- Adding a List of Topics to an Index in PageMaker
316301 (25 KB)
- Top Issues: Adobe PageMaker 6.0 for Windows
316302 (95 pages / 6 KB)
- Error "Cannot start PageMaker, unable to load icon DLL" Launching PageMaker in Windows
316304 (5 KB)
- PageMaker 5.0x Libraries Unavailable in PageMaker 6.0
316305 (8 KB)
- Using PageMaker 6.0's Automatic Trapping Feature Effectively
316306 (9 KB)
- HTML Graphic Display Troubleshooting Guide
316307 (5 KB)
- Error "Assertion Failed.R" When Launching Adobe Table 2.5
316308 (5 KB)
- Text Doesn't Wrap After Saving in PageMaker 5.0x Format in PageMaker 6.0
- [FaxYI only] 316309
- Pre-Assigned / Document not ready ("Assertion Failed.R" Error launching Table 2.5)
316310 (5 KB)
- Screen Doesn't Redraw While Dragging Palettes in PageMaker 6.0
316311 (7 KB)
- Error "Cannot create internal clipboard" When Launching PageMaker 6.0
316312 (95 pages / 7 KB)
- Text Overlaps in PageMaker 5.0x or 6.0 When Running Under Windows
116402 (8 KB)
- Colors Display and Print Differently in PageMaker 6.0 Than in 5.0x General Information
216407 (5 KB)
- Obtaining device profiles (precision transforms) not included with PageMaker 6.0
316401 (9 KB)
- Installing PageMaker 6.0 for Windows 95 or Windows 3.1 General Information
316402 (11 KB)
- Adobe PageMaker 6.0 Network Installation Guide
316403 (8 KB)
- PageMaker's ODBC Plug-in and Filter General Information
316404 (6 KB)
- Removing and Reinstalling Win32s Components for PageMaker 6.0
316405 (15 KB)
- Win32s Errors in PageMaker 6.0 Troubleshooting Guide
316406 (5 KB)
- PageMaker 6.0 Features Not Supported in Windows 3.1
316407 (6 KB)
- Error "writing WINSPOOL.DRV" Installing Win32s or Launching PageMaker 6.0
316408 (5 KB)
- Unable to Install PageMaker 6.0 for Windows from Deluxe CD-ROM
316409 (7 KB)
- Error "Cannot find a device file" Starting Windows after Uninstalling PageMaker
316410 (4 KB)
- Error "Requires a 486 Processor" Installing PageMaker 6.0 on Computer with NexGen 586 Processor
316411 (7 KB)
- Removing and Reinstalling Win32s Components for PageMaker 6.0
- [FaxYI only] 316412
- Pre-Assigned / Document not ready (CD Installation of PM6 prompts for Disk 5)
316413 (7 KB)
- PageMaker Publication Converter General Information
- [FaxYI only] 316414
- Pre-Assigned / Document not ready (Unable to use Acquire Image in PM6 Win)
116601 (5 KB)
- Memory Requirements for Create Adobe PDF Plug-in General Information
316601 (95 pages / 7 KB)
- Importable Files Don't List in PageMaker 6.0's "Place Document" Dialog Box in Windows
316602 (4 KB)
- Error "File sharing" When Installing Win32s for PageMaker 6.0
316603 (5 KB)
- Photoshop 3.0 and Earlier Plug-ins Don't Work in PageMaker 6.0
316604 (95 pages / 7 KB)
- Error "Invalid Page Fault in Module Unknown'" Launching PageMaker 6.0x in Windows
316605 (8 KB)
- No Data Source Appears in Select Source Dialog Box in PageMaker 6.0x
216305 (24 KB)
- Top support issues: Adobe PageMaker 6.0 for Macintosh
116101 (4 KB)
- Black PageMaker-drawn Objects Unexpectedly Overprint from PageMaker 6.0
116102 (7 KB)
- Alert "One or more objects in this publication may not print" from PageMaker
116103 (4 KB)
- Unable to Save PDF File to Specified Root Directory in PageMaker 6.0
116104 (4 KB)
- PDF Thumbnails Created for First Page of Each Publication in Book List in PageMaker 6.0
216101 (5 KB)
- Distill Now Option Unavailable in "Create Adobe PDF" Dialog Box
216102 (7 KB)
- Type 1 Fonts Print Substituted from PageMaker 6.0 After Installing QuickDraw GX
216103 (6 KB)
- Bitmap Images in Macromedia FreeHand 5.0x EPS Don't Print from PageMaker 6.0
216104 (5 KB)
- Blank Pages Print When Tiling to Non-PostScript Printer from PageMaker 6.0
216105 (5 KB)
- PostScript Error or Font Substitution in PDF Created in PageMaker 6.0
216106 (8 KB)
- PageMaker 6.0 Unexpectedly Downloads Fonts Installed on Printer's Hard Disk
216107 (5 KB)
- Photoshop EPS Prints on All Separations to Linotronic RIP 50 from PageMaker
215135 (13 KB)
- PageMaker Prints Incorrectly After Installing QuickDraw GX with System 7.5
116301 (3 KB)
- Undo Command Unavailable After Transforming Group Using Control Palette in PageMaker 6.0
116302 (5 KB)
- Tints Created in PageMaker 6.0 Become Solid After Saving in PageMaker 5.0 Format
116303 (4 KB)
- Master Page Objects Lost When Saving PageMaker 6.0 Publication in PageMaker 5.0 Format
116304 (7 KB)
- Saving PageMaker 6.0 Publications in PageMaker 5.0 Format General Information
116305 (7 KB)
- Diagnostic Recompose Feature Information
116306 (5 KB)
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Master Pages in PageMaker 6.0
116307 (4 KB)
- No "One Page" or "Two Page" Option Available in "Master Page Setup" Dialog Box in PageMaker 6.0
116308 (3 KB)
- Only Original Color Model Source Profiles Available After Changing Color Model in PageMaker 6.0
116309 (5 KB)
- Using Master Pages in PageMaker 6.0 General Information
116310 (5 KB)
- Incorrect TOC Page Numbers in PDF Files Created in PageMaker 6.0
116311 (4 KB)
- Error "Bad record index" or Graphic Links Missing in PageMaker 6.0
116322 (5 KB)
- Error "Invalid state for requested operation" When Running Build Booklet in PageMaker 6.0
215601 (7 KB)
- Table in Microsoft Word Document Doesn't Import Into PageMaker
216305 (24 KB)
- Top support issues: Adobe PageMaker 6.0 for Macintosh
216307 (3 KB)
- Objects Grouped in PageMaker 5.0x Cannot Be Ungrouped in PageMaker 6.0
216308 (5 KB)
- Memory Requirements for OLE 2.0 on Macintosh and Power Macintosh: General info
216309 (4 KB)
- Black text 24 points and larger knocks out from PageMaker 6.0
216310 (4 KB)
- Error "Cannot read the available Clipboard formats" Using PageMaker 5.0x Library in PageMaker 6.0
216311 (8 KB)
- Error "Cannot Start PageMaker Microsoft OLE Extensions" When Launching PageMaker 6.0
216312 (6 KB)
- Memory or System Error Launching Application on Performa or LC
216313 (7 KB)
- Adding a List of Topics to an Index in PageMaker
216314 (4 KB)
- Unable to Use Mouse in PageMaker After Create Adobe PDF Launches Distiller
216315 (7 KB)
- PageMaker 6.0'x "Use PM5 Custom Settings" Utility General Information
216316 (9 KB)
- Type 1 and Type 11 Error in PageMaker 6.0 Troubleshooting Guide
216317 (9 KB)
- Optimizing PageMaker 6.0's Performance General Information
216318 (4 KB)
- Predefined Tracking Values Have No Effect in PageMaker 6.0
116320 (5 KB)
- Anchors and Hyperlinks Lost After Creating Anchor in PageMaker 6.0
116321 (4 KB)
- Hypertext Link Broken After Changing Text Containing Link in PageMaker 6.0
116401 (6 KB)
- Unable to Install PageMaker 6.0 from CD-ROM
116402 (8 KB)
- Colors Display and Print Differently in PageMaker 6.0 Than in 5.0x General Information
216401 (7 KB)
- Converted PageMaker 5.0x Publication Pages Display Solid Black in PageMaker 6.0
216402 (8 KB)
- Installation Options for PageMaker 6.0 Universal English Build for Macintosh and Power Macintosh
216405 (8 KB)
- Installation tips for PageMaker 6.0 for Macintosh/Power Macintosh Universal English version
216407 (5 KB)
- Obtaining device profiles (precision transforms) not included with PageMaker 6.0
216408 (4 KB)
- Removing the PageMaker 6.0 Registration Application: General Information
216409 (7 KB)
- Kodak Precision Monitor Transform Installer Troubleshooting Guide
216501 (6 KB)
- Kodak Precision Monitor Transform Installer General Information
116601 (5 KB)
- Memory Requirements for Create Adobe PDF Plug-in General Information
215601 (7 KB)
- Table in Microsoft Word Document Doesn't Import Into PageMaker
100101 (6 KB)
- Adding custom paper sizes to a custom printer file using a text editor
100102 (8 KB)
- Updating PPD files to reflect available virtual memory using a text editor
100103 (7 KB)
- Adding fonts to a custom printer file using a text editor
100104 (8 KB)
- Output not calibrated when printing negative
100105 (4 KB)
- Spacing problems when printing monospace fonts from PageMaker or Persuasion
100106 (7 KB)
- Linescreen or screen angle change is ignored printing PostScript to HPLJ4M Plus
100107 (7 KB)
- Choosing PhotoCD Resolutions for various output: General Info.
100108 (7 KB)
- Overprinting and Knocking Out Black Objects in PageMaker 6.0 General Information
100301 (4 KB)
- Improving performance when using OLE applications
100302 (7 KB)
- Auto-eliminating carriage returns on each line for continuous text
100303 (10 KB)
- PostScript Level 2: General info.
100304 (11 KB)
- Error "You have exceeded the number of concurrent users" When Opening PageMaker 5.0x or Persuasion 3.x
100601 (13 KB)
- Using the Adobe Technical Support BBS
200101 (5 KB)
- Scan resolution guidelines
200102 (6 KB)
- Adding a custom paper size to an APD file using a word processor
200103 (22 KB)
- PostScript error troubleshooting guide
200104 (6 KB)
- Adding a custom page size to a PDX file using a word processor
200105 (4 KB)
- Transverse page not imaging correctly
200106 (7 KB)
- Error:rangecheck;OffendingCommand: Setpageparams from imagesetter
200107 (5 KB)
- Creating a minimum custom printer file using a text editor
200108 (14 KB)
- Digital film recorders: General info.
200301 (10 KB)
- Creating smooth & efficient gradations or blends for PostScript
200302 (11 KB)
- Unopenable documents previously opened, saved, or copied over a network: Troubleshooting guide
200303 (7 KB)
- System error Type 11 on Macintosh or Power Macintosh
200304 (4 KB)
- Opening an EPS graphic as a text file in Microsoft Word
200306 (6 KB)
- The message "The substitution fonts" appears after installing ATM or QuickDraw GX
200307 (6 KB)
- PRAM: General info.
200308 (6 KB)
- Capturing Video on the macintosh: General Information
200309 (7 KB)
- Flattening a QuickTime Movie: General Information
200403 (8 KB)
- Folder named Aldus and differences between it and Aldus Folder
200404 (10 KB)
- Converting PostScript files to EPS graphics
200405 (19 KB)
- Troubleshooting system errors on the Macintosh
200406 (9 KB)
- System 6.x software reinstallation process
200407 (10 KB)
- System 7.x software reinstallation process
200408 (8 KB)
- Isolating extension conflicts in System 6.x: Troubleshooting guide
200409 (8 KB)
- Isolating extension conflicts in System 7.x: Troubleshooting guide
200410 (5 KB)
- Serial numbers not accepted during installation of Adobe products
200411 (4 KB)
- Installer repeatedly requests Disk 1 under System 7.x
200412 (7 KB)
- Optimizing and maintaining a Macintosh computer: General info
200413 (5 KB)
- Deinstalling QuickDraw GX: General info.
200415 (2 KB)
- No fax received when faxing to a group using the LaserWreter Select 260f printer and driver
Hardware interaction
200501 (4 KB)
- Printer inaccuracy: General information
200502 (9 KB)
- SCSI chain troubleshooting guide
Third party software/Import/Export
200603 (4 KB)
- How to get filters, PPDs, and drivers not shipped with Adobe products
4901 (34 KB)
- Init conflicts
4902 (48 KB)
- Allocating memory with ResEdit
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