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Customer Services Overview
Informix's Customer Services provides an overall architecture with varying levels of support and options--giving you the flexibility to personalize service and support according to your requirements.

When you go to the time, effort, and expense to establish a business partnership with a technology provider, you expect a lot from them.

Most of all, you expect to be successful with their products.

So you look for products--and a product strategy--that are well thought out. Telltale signs include a vision for the future, a flexible yet enduring architecture, and a path for migration.

You look for a company that puts as much effort into supporting their products as they do designing and building them.

And you look for a company that recognizes that, no matter how good things are today, they can always improve.

Let's be honest. Everyone will tell you that they have great customer service and support. But until you need it, you have no way of knowing if they're telling you the truth.

Until you do your homework. What do other customers think? What does independent analysis and data say? How willing is the company to have you find out?

At Informix, we invite you to ask around as much as you want. We're quite proud of what you'll hear.

Critical Customer Support Factors

When you're considering an overall information management solution, you shouldn't ignore the quality and consistency of customer service and support. It's also why you can't ignore Informix.

At Informix, we've been helping customers to design, implement, and maintain client/server systems for over a decade. Over time, we've learned a few things about implementing a world-class customer service and support organization:

  • A comprehensive architecture is critical. Customer service must address support requirements that are as individual as the customers who need them.

  • It's critical to be there when you need us--whether it's during system design, implementation, maintenance, or all of the above.

  • Requirements vary with geography. We've established a strong worldwide organization to handle customer needs on a local or regional basis.

  • Quality is the key to success. We're committed to adhering to the highest quality standards in the industry.

    It's our highest priority to make sure that whatever products you're using, you're successful with our technology. No matter at what stage of planning or implementing an overall client/server solution. No matter how complex your system. No matter where in the world you're located.

    In order for you to be successful, our customer support organization focuses on leadership, quality, responsiveness, consistency, and flexibility.


    Being a leader means more than just responding to customer service issues or trends. It means taking the time to proactively spot the issues and trends, and then formulating and implementing comprehensive support programs that address them.

    For example, Informix was one of the first technology companies to institute an automated call system that routes customers directly to a live technical specialist--not an administrator who takes a description of the problem and promises that someone technical will call back...some time soon...with an answer...hopefully.

    We constantly improve existing services. Independent testing by IDC confirmed that, on 48 out of 50 phone calls to Informix technical support, a front-line engineer was on the phone within 60 seconds. On the remaining two phone calls, an engineer was on the line within three minutes.*

    And we're always looking for innovative new ways to deliver services--from computer-based training to Internet and CD-ROM information and support services.


    Purchase products and support directly from Informix, or from one of our worldwide partners. You can count on consistent high quality.

    We're committed to quality, and we've chosen the ISO 9000 methodology--the worldwide quality standard--to manage our constant improvement efforts. ISO 9000 is a commitment that means we're prepared to meet and exceed our customers' service and support expectations worldwide.

    As of January 1995, Informix has received eight separate ISO certifications for programs and services worldwide.


    Because our software runs everything from worldwide reservation systems to retail warehouse management to banking systems, we know what it means to be on the firing line. We do what it takes to keep you on top of your information management system. We share your sense of concern and urgency.

    But really, it doesn't matter what size your system is, or how big a customer you are. If you have a problem, it's a big problem. If recovery is necessary, there's no time to waste. We'll make sure your system is up and running again as quickly as possible.

    Our service and support professionals are hand picked not only for their technical expertise, but also for their sensitivity to both business and organizational issues. They become part of your team--making your support needs their own, and quickly finding comprehensive, long-term solutions. They'll not only make you look good, they'll make you feel good about your decision to go with Informix.


    In an increasingly global market, it's important to know that your technology providers offer consistent service and support from region to region. To reflect the movement towards global computing, our eight regional support response centers have evolved into an integrated network of local response centers and central support hubs. You have access to the knowledge and expertise of Informix technical personnel from around the globe, in the local language of your geographical area.

    No matter where you are in the world, our approach to support, and the support offerings, are the same.


    Whether you're the CIO of a billion dollar corporation, or the CEO of your one-person development shop, there's a support program that can be custom tailored for you.

    Informix has an overall support architecture that includes varying levels of support. You can start with basic, product trade-up support, and add other areas as needed, including telephone support, product training, on-line support, personalized consulting services, even round-the-clock resources. Or all of the above.

    A Vision for Your Future

    Choosing an information technology partner, and finding lasting success with them, doesn't have to be a gamble--if the company you keep has a vision for your future, as well as their own. From the very start, your partner should be an active participant in both your overall corporate and information technology strategies, both near and long term.

    That participation includes providing you with world-class service and support. Where you need it, when you need it, and how you need it. It includes structuring support around a flexible, yet enduring architecture. And, because your needs (and the needs of your company) change, it includes providing a path for product and support migration.

    At Informix, we believe it's important not only to understand where you want to go, but also to be an active partner in getting you there.

    After all, isn't that what service and support are all about?

    * Some restrictions apply.


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