hide random home http://www.is.co.za/bestweb/ (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

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* Advertising
* Aerospace
* Art and Culture
* Auditing and Consulting
* Banking
* Chemicals
* Computing
- Hardware
- Software
* Directory Services
* Education, Libraries and Museums
* Electronic Publications
- Magazines, Newspapers and Journals
- Publishers
- Other
* Electronics
* Entertainment
- Motion Picture and Television
- Music and Radio
- Other
* Fashion and Textiles
* Finance and Economics
* Games and Toys
* Government
* Hotels, Travel and Courier Services
* Industry (General)
* Information Services
* Insurance
* Internet Information
* Law
* Medicine and Pharmaceuticals
* Mining
* Miscellaneous
* Motor Vehicles
* Personnel Services
* Petroleum
* Politics
* Real Estate
* Restaurants, Food and Wine
* Retail
* Science and Technology
* Shopping
* Societies and Interest Groups
* Sports
* Telephone and Telecommunications
* Universities

The Internet Solution / Last Update 22/1/96