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HomeAboutNewDownloadingDocumentation The HotJava BrowserAppletsDeveloper's CornerLicensingIn Touch

Writing Java Programs

The Java Language Tutorial
An early look at the The Java Language Tutorial book by Mary Campione and Kathy Walrath. Due out this summer.
Writing and Using HotJava Applets
Learn how to use applets in your Web page. (1.0alpha3)
The Java API Documentation
Java's complete Application Programming Interface. In HTML or PostScript.
Java Tool Documentation
Reference pages for the developer's tools.
Specifications for the Java Language
Specifications for The Java language and the Java virtual machine.
Converting Applets
Steps you through the process of converting 1.0 Alpha3 applets to use the new API. Includes information on how to use images.
Writing Content Handlers and Writing Protocol Handlers
Overviews of how to write content and protocol handlers for the HotJava browser. (1.0alpha3)

The Java Language Tutorial

Last updated: 24 Feb 96. This is an on-line draft version of The Java Language Tutorial by Mary Campione and Kathy Walrath. This is the fifth book in the The Java Book Series to be published by Addison-Wesley and is due out this summer.
The Java Language Tutorial (HTML)
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The API Documentation

Since HotJava supports 1.0 Alpha 3, and the Java Developers Kit and Netscape 2.0 support 1.0, this section provides API documentation for those two releases.
The 1.0 API Documentation (HTML)
Supported on Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 95.
The 1.0 API documentation package
Contains the 1.0 Java Language Specification, a list of changes since Alpha 3, and a guide to converting applets from the Alpha 3 API to the Beta API.
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The 1.0 Alpha 3 API Documentation (HTML)
Supported on Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 95.

The API Documentation Design
The Design of Distributed Hyperlinked Programming Documentation (IWHD '95). A paper on the design of Java's Web-based API documentation. Presented at the International Workshop on Hypermedia Design '95.
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( See note under Tips for Printing our Documentation.)

Specifications for the Java Language

Two specifications define the Java language and the "virtual machine" it runs on. The versions of these specs on this website are draft versions of the final specs. They are beta-compliant. We will post 1.0 specs as soon as they are available. We know that the PostScript format does not work for everyone. It is all we have right now. We will be adding the HTML versions soon. Try looking for a public domain tool called ghostscript to view these files.
The Java Language Specification (not currently available in HTML)
The specification for Java version 1.0 along with a grammar.
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The Java Virtual Machine Specification (HTML)
The Java virtual machine, its instruction set, and the format of class files.
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