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The lab is why there is a L0pht. It's a place to experiment and to exchange ideas. The lab is what created this website.

L0pht Heavy Industries, commonly referred to as "technology reclamation experts", are focusing on some genuine goals.

In the past, we have made available technical archives, offered a place to congregate and exchange ideas (L0pht BBS), and offered next to free anonymous accounts with the ability to publish on the WWW. Our concept is not to make tons o' money, but rather, to support our habit through the fruits of our labors. Hopefully, those who have already contributed are aware of this, and for those who have not, will understand what they will be contributing to.

We are currently upgrading our physical and virtual space, which will hopefully draw a few more people to purchase space on our machine to help fund the connection costs and associated projects.

L0pht Heavy Industries expanded mission is to bring about a new era of tactical communications for the Urban/Rural arena. We design our own systems out of the rubbish of corporate america. What was once discarded finds new purpose. Common reliable parts are reassembled to form complex communications systems which can be quickly deployed and withdrawn in an emergency situation.

The main focus of the hardware group is to devise a portable NOC, for the quick deployment on elevated terrain with an option for Hi-speed 10MBit/sec microwave link to other portable NOC's or repeaters. A low-speed 9600K HT to other portable NOC's or repeaters in the field shall be on standby, or used when a 10MBit/s link cannot be established. The unit will be able to route to a local Ethernet LAN and route between a fleet of roaming 10 Meter rigs employing DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum), 220MHz, and 440MHz rigs using standard AM transmission of TCP/IP back to the NOC.

Work in this area will eventually lead to an Internet INDEPENDENT network which will carry on the original goals of ARPA net. A break away from the current onslaught of commercialism on America's research network. Hopefully, advances in secure resource sharing shall be developed to ensure interoperablility and a free flow of information between participating groups. Gateways to the Internet will of course be established, employing the best security methods known.

In order to acheive these goals, some work is in progress in the following areas:

10GHz 10Mbit/s Data link

This will include a procedure to quickly align the link and establish communications between remote nodes. Currently, we are in the prototyping stage. Based on a circuit originally designed by Ben Elmore (N6GN), functional improvements have been made with updated components and combined with slight modifications to the original layout. Antenna design is completly original, as well as the a new ethernet interface.

10 Meter Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum communications systems

This research is still in the conceptual stage but is progressing along slowly. Reason being, all of our current resources are being focused on the Microwave aspect of the system, mainly because we are trying to use that technology to be our primary link to the commercial Internet.

These units will be the field units to allow mobility, yet keep connect to the data stream and intelligence materials associated with it. This intelligence may include text graphic files, email, or two way communications.

96K - 19.2k VHF directional link

This project is still in the conceptual stage. The VHF link will provide a backup system for the 10GHz link when a line of sight connection cannot be established.

Security System monitoring via Internet

One evolving project is one of perimeter security and survellience systems. We plan on converting analog signals into the powerful digital realm. The system, coined "fly on the wall", is under development. No other information is available at this time. The government isn't the only one who can have black ops.

Secure Data Transfer

"On-the-fly" DES encryption schemes shall be devised to add a protective layer to the data stream. SSL and the next generation IP protocols are our tools.

Secure Internet Data Transmissions and the security of anonyminity

The L0pht has always been concerned with individuality and the protection of the individual and thier rights to privacy. For some of the people here, hacking was the result of the onslaught on the individual privacy by the government and the commercial sector. The hacker, wishing to align the balance, gained access to the large databases that the select few have created and made its contents vital to one's survival in contempory society. At least, this is our manifesto.

Since it is nearly impossible to shield yourself from the data collection forces of direct marketing, the L0pht has decided to allow its resources to be used anonymously. HOWEVER, we do believe that you are responsible for your own actions, and that if you do incur an investigation upon yourself as result of criminal activity, we shall assist the prosecuting party in any way we are obligated. Think before you act. We are not in the business of acting as the fall guy.

The lab has excess parts and duplicate equipment that we would like to sell in order to buy some new toys. We hate to see equipment grow obsolete in our storage closet. Is the stuff found on the L0pht floor obsolete? You be the judge.

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