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Microsoft NT Server

Microsoft NT Server

Microsoft Leads Initiative for Virtual Private Networks Across the Internet; Windows NT Server to Offer Remote Users Easy, Low-Cost, Secure Access to Private Networks Across theInternet
March 4, 1996 - Microsoft Corp., along with 3Com Corp., Ascend Communications, ECI Telematics and U.S. Robotics, today announced point-to-point tunneling protocol (PPTP), a new networking technology that supports multiprotocol virtual private networks (VPN), enabling remote users to access corporate networks securely across the Internet.
Hot in '96: Information Week Picks Windows NT and SQL Server The January 1st issue of Information Week contains a preview contains a preview of this coming year's "sizzling technologies."
Raptor Introduces Enterprise Firewall Security Solution For Windows NT
Raptor's Eagle Suite of security products offer advanced feature such as access control, stong authentication, industry-standard encryption, real time Suspicious Activity Monitor, and extensive detection alarm and reporting capablities.
WinNT News - previous issues
An electronic newsletter designed to keep you informed on what's happening through user group and third party news, technical and product beta information, tips and hints. By subscribing you'll also be enrolled in the Windows NT Champs program.
Microsoft TV
The schedule for upcoming programs, ordering from the video catalog and how to receive Microsoft TV broadcasts.
Microsoft Press Releases
The latest press releases and news from Microsoft -- hot off the wire!
Microsoft Events Don't miss the Networld+Interop Conference, April 1-5 in Las Vegas!
March 13, 1996 - Microsoft and technical experts from over 30 Microsoft Partners will help you "bring your network strategy together," providing you with the very latest in networking technology and business solutions! Conference sessions will cover Microsoft technology and the critical network topics affecting your business today. Plus, a keynote by Bill Gates (which will also be cybercast live on the Internet) will help you understand today's networking phenomenon and how the Internet fits into Microsoft's vision of Information at your Fingertips™. Register today!

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