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World Christian Resources On The Net

Here is a growing collection, organized in various ways, of Internet resources that might be useful to World Christians. This is under construction, not all the links have been proofread yet, and some may have moved since we added them to our collection! We have started out with some handy Gopher servers and a few other resources. More pointers and suggestions are always welcome.

The Frequently Asked Questions compilations of various cultural and religious discussion forums, and the Internet (WWW, Gopher, etc.) resource servers, are remarkable self-descriptions of the groups that gather there. What's even better, they contain pointers to related information, and the FAQ maintainers are motivated keep everything up to date for our easy reference!

We collect and present these references to edify, equip, and stimulate Christian workers to the work of service for the building up of the Body of Christ. Because of the nature of the collection, the references here reflect a wide variety of cultural, and especially theological, perspectives.

Critical reading is strongly advised.

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