(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
The Queen's University of Belfast
Miscellaneous threads from the Web
Internet and Medicine
- Worth a browse, surfers!
- Irish Times articles
- A database of Irish Times articles, which is updated on a daily
basis. No pictures, unfortunately.
- The Internet Movie
- A highly successful cinematic database based at Cardiff, where
the users are the information providers
Search the US Patent Office
- Perform a keyword search on a database of United States patents
(1994/1995) and read the full text descriptions of the selected inventions.
World Wide Web search engine
- One of the many "Web Crawlers" available to search the World Wide Web.
- BBC TV and radio
- What's on the BBC this week?
- UNITE Solutions Limited
- A Belfast-based internet provider
Tourist information about Northern Ireland
- A somewhat twee brochure detailing the many wonders awaiting
unsuspecting visitors to the north of Ireland.
Gerry Mulvenna
Last Updated: 29 February 1996