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Buck Brown Prints
The Buck Doesn't Stop Here

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As loyal readers of Playboy know, Buck Brown is the talented artist who's been the guiding hand behind the ever-horny cartoon character Granny since she debuted in the magazine in 1966. Now Brown has taken his talent in a new direction: He's producing prints of some of his works of art painted over the years in a style that he calls "soul genre." Pictured here is The Eagle Flies on Friday, which measures 17" x 20" and sells for $40, postpaid, signed by Brown. Other prints in the series including a wee-hours nightclub scene titled Comin' Down With the Blues are available from the artist at P.O. Box 122, Park Forest, Illinois 60466. Or call 1-800-247-9004.

Copyright © 1996 Playboy Enterprises, Inc.