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Environmental Bio technology

prof.ir. S.P.P. Ottengraf

Department of Chemical Process Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology

Phone: +31(40)472970
Fax: +31(40)446104
Telex: 51163 tuenl

Research program

The main area of research is the biological remediation of off-gases by means of biotrickling filtration. This method is a very good tool to meet future restrictions and legislation concerning waste gas concentrations. Compared to other physico-chemical and physical remediation techniques, trickling filters are relatively cheap, easy to operate and very reliable, especially for lower concentrations from the mg/m3 range up till 5 g/m3.

Biotrickling filtration is based on the metabolism of certain micro organisms that are able to degrade components in waste air streams. The filter consists of a packed column filled with an inert packing material with a specific surface area of 100 to 400 m2/m3. The packing material is covered with a layer of micro organisms, a so called biofilm. The packing is constantly wetted by a liquid phase that is sprayed over the top of the column and trickles down along the packing. The waste air stream can be fed either co-currently, counter-currently or even in crossflow.

The performance of such a system is both dependent on the intrinsic reaction kinetics in the biofilm and the mass transfer properties of the reactor. Our main interest is to obtain a better understanding of the biological and physical processes that occur when operating a trickling filter. This is achieved through extensive modelling of the filter system, combined with short and long term experiments in order to obtain insight in the micro and macro kinetics.

Recent publications:

Diks RMM, Ottengraf SPP, Vrijland S. (1994) The existence of a biological equilibrium in a trickling filter for waste gas purification. Biotech. Bioeng., 44, no. 11, p. 1279-1287.

Diks RMM, Ottengraf SPP, Van den Oever AHC. (1994) The influence of NaCl on the degradation rate of dichloromethane by Hyphomicrobium sp.. Biodegradation, 5, no. 2, p. 129-141.

Diks RMM. (1992) The removal of dichloromethane from waste gases in a biological trickling filter. Thesis of Eindhoven Univ. of Technol.. Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Diks RMM, Ottengraf SPP. (1991a) Verification studies of a simplified model for the removal of dichloromethane from waste gases using a biological trickling filter. Part I. Bioproc. Eng., 6, p. 93-99.

Diks RMM, Ottengraf SPP. (1991a) Verification studies of a simplified model for the removal of dichloromethane from waste gases using a biological trickling filter. Part II. Bioproc. Eng., 6, p. 131-140.

Ottengraf SPP. (1986) Exhaust gas purification. In: Rehm HJ, Reed G (ed.). Biotechnology, vol. 8, VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim, Germany, p. 425-452.

Maintained by Martien Verbruggen
email: tgtcmv@chem.tue.nl
tel: +31(40)473673